
I know I’m going to ruffle alot of young enthusiasts’ feathers with this, but things like this make me wonder if maybe there shouldn’t be age restrictions on what kinds of cars people are allowed to purchase. Over 300 hp? Get caught behind the wheel under age 30 and you lose your license for 5 years.

No. The problem is that people started using safe spaces for things that didn’t need safe spaces.

Why do liberals keep trying to turn around the safe space thing? It was liberals that needed safe spaces.

The front page has been filled with “UBER SUCKS” “WOO TESLA” AND “TRUMP SUCKS” posts. This isn’t a place to go for car news.

If Russia can deny us the use of 20% of our future uranium production, why isn’t that an issue?

So to be clear - She signed away 20% of production capacity (which is generally LARGER than produced) most of which is produced in Kazakhstan, which Russia CAN export.

Clicks on foxtrotalpha, can’t figure out why foxtrotalpha posts are on foxtrotalpha, shakes fist at foxtrotalpha...

Basically, Russia wasn’t our enemy back then, and they aren’t our enemy now.

White House Pro/Con list for B-21 as Air Force One

So my idea for replacing the warhead of an ICBM with a capsule with parachute and space and gear for one person to get people anywhere in the world in under half an hour is impractical too?


“Planes goes into hangar or sit outside at an airport facility.”

Isn’t it kind of a dick move to bring a real s#itbox like this to a shared track/course event?

I’ve seen just about everything that shouldn’t be on the Tail of the Dragon on the Tail of the Dragon. A lot of fullsized SUVs, Pickups with camper caps and tow-hitch cargo carriers and full-sized SUVs towing camper trailers.

I am not a trump supporter in the very least. I don’t understand why as a country, they are mad at us, for being mad that thousands of their countrymen illegally enter our country? I wouldn’t have a problem with Germany if they had a problem with American’s illegally entering their country and if that was the case

Trump didn’t plan this raid, you know. Neither did Obama.