
I don’t agree with it being based on age but more of like a racing license, you have to get licenses in order for more powerful vehicles.0-200hp,200-400hp, 400-600hp, 600+......

I think he is more or less referring to the fact that the past 8 years.... you could count the political posts on one hand, since about august, non-stop s few times a day everyday, crying by..... you guessed it! LIBS!!!!! Love how you fucks use words that you don’t understand. calling people cucks is so fucking

Oh wow you Libs are fucking retarded, no Idea what you are talking about as usual, the media was eating out of obama’s ass the whole time. Love how you guys just call people names with out using the word in it’s actual context. but go on and cry a river of why  you know best.

yeah, pretty much eh.

news flash... all politicians lie!!! if you think otherwise you were lying to yourself... sorry.

because Terrell wanted Hilary to win and hates trump! and he is going to remind us of his love for hilary or hate of trump with every story, ruining FTA.

it’s because FTA used to be great when it was done by Tyler, then this asshole comes on and is so anti trump that all we get is something that pushes his political beliefs. the other people who have posted on FTA lately have been rather good, but the Jermaine guy belongs with the root or the slot or any other of the

that would be the Mercury Rockets and that space capsule instead of the warhead would be one of the Friendship capsules from the beginning of the space program. It wouldn’t be impracticable if you had infinite amounts of cash on hand.

I assumed it was a bs article when I first saw it. Not your’s but the one saying that the President wanted a B-21 for AF1, if he thought a 747 was expensive, how about a stealth bomber that hasn’t been built yet... Just seemed to be a hit piece to make the guy seem like more of an idiot than he already is.

oh you mean a one directional track? One with barriers and guard rails... On with no cliffs and forests? You have no idea what you are talking about. there is absolutely no comparison between the 2.

That’s not funny. That’s some bullshit and dangerous as fuck, crossing the lines constantly, riding the center line. NO,NO,NO YOU DO NOT DO THAT!!!. I doubt you have ever been there or you’d say the same, or you’re just a dumbass fanboy of driving but not a real driver. That has to be one of the dumbest things I have

Holy shit!!

I love reading all these comments of people who don’t know wtf they are talking about.... ahahahhahahah VTbroseph thanks for actually having a brain and common sense, which most these others don’t have...

And now back to Trump bashing using of all BS news sources.... CNN. damn man you were doing so well the past few days, now back to this... ahhhhhh, ffs smdh

Just another reason I miss Tyler.

There we go. Some good stuff going on FTA! Thanks...

NO... Pilotis are for people that like driving but don’t want to look like a douche bag. Now these are are worn in public to make your 1st paragraph correct.

Man I miss Tyler.... These new fools are all snowflakes biased at any chance... what a bunch of fucktards.