
SHHHHHHh don’t give facts, that make the snowflake heads explode!!!

well the cadets last year promoting BLM kinda set the precedent for it so if you want to get your panties in a bunch start with them.... but it was for a Liberal cause so it is ok.... GTFO.... Hypocritical at best.... SMH

It’s just that most people in the NE can’t drive worth crap. Throw in a phone and poof we have lift off!!

Seriously? When you guys going to secretly stop loving Trump. You all are like grade schoolers that have a crush but then say they hate the person. Can we just get back to the Jalop, FTA that I loved a couple years ago?

omg NOOOOOO don’t post facts!! they can’t handle facts! they just want to cry... poor snowflakes.. smh..

WHY THE FUCK is a car site consistently posting political bullshit, I get most you editors are crybaby liberals but ffs. go post on one of the other “hate” sites that are attached to Jalop. Leave us car people alone cause we really don’t give a fuck.

Yes, more of stories like this. just don’t talk about Trump, so sick of hearing about that guy.

The problem is that everything he has posted since last week is trump this trump that. don’t give a fuck about trump, i didn’t vote for him. there used to be cool things on FTA before this asshat showed up. He belongs on the ROOT,  writing this garbage.

also you can’t forget the Root the new black complaining site to replace gawker.

FFS you are a tool, wah wah wah trump wah wah, gtfo please stop writing for FTA you suck. there a million awesome things to talk about and your racist ass is still focusing on trump, get over it he is your president. I like that you won’t even actually post anything but trump hating. don’t you belong on the Root with

miata.. JK. Saturn wagon.

I love the racist replacement for Gawker, ahahhahhahha can’t wait until you guys get sued out of existence...

You must be a racist, to take someones kind hearted gesture with a worthy thing to say and still some how bash it because your whore of Saudi Arabia didn’t win... you are the problem not some rich white guy from Texas.

You must be a racist, to take someones kind hearted gesture with a worthy thing to say and still some how bash it because your whore of Saudi Arabia didn’t win... you are the problem not some rich white guy from Texas.

Now playing

liberals.... it’s going to be an entertaining 8 years..

Now playing

hahahahahahah you fucking racists make me laugh.....

oh cause some bs blog called reddit is not biased at all, how about you provide actual video of him saying terrible things.

they don’t know definitions, they just like to use words like that, and fascist, and nazi, and tyrant and racist. they are just a bunch of lazy fucks looking for handouts and mad that they didn’t get the 450 so they have to make the 3 gentleman out to be so bad... 

You must be a racist, to take someones kind hearted gesture with a worthy thing to say and still some how bash it because your whore of Saudi Arabia didn’t win... you are the problem not some rich white guy from Texas.