
Please dont cite Jez for anything reguarding our military when Tyler’s work doesn’t have the political spin & includes actual facts:

It doesnt take much to get you guys all riled up, does it? Breach of protocol? yes. poor taste? yes. But they are trolling you, and it was incredibly effective, as it turns out.

Sort of like how her older brother and her dad, also both American citizens, were executed in a drone strike while Obama was in office?

A Navy unit showing support for the commander in chief.

“very reminiscent of Nazi Germany,”Give me a break. This kind of rhetoric is what is actually dividing this country. I seriously doubt the person who said that was anywhere near Nazi Germany during WWII.

“Trump campaigned on banning Muslims and called it as such. “

Yes, just like President Obama’s Muslim Ban in 2011 and President Carter’s Muslim Ban in 1980...

FTA is supposed to be about military stuff, I think this is a fair game, and an objective analysis at that, you can see that because the writer uses facts to support a statement. Ain’t that nice?

It’s infecting everything and it’s saddening. It’s madlibs media now. Trump’s ______ is going to_____ and it’s the end of ____.

Back in the day we just complained that FTA brought military stuff to to an automotive site. Now FTA is just a shell site for anti-trump pro-gawker pro-theslot liberal garbage. Please do is a favor and either associate FTA with the liberal parts of this site or quit posting your political crap on the jalopnik tree.

Congrats to Harris on that tip! I’m glad it came just in time for her.

Yeah, I’m a little confused. I get that at first she thought three white dudes from Texas were in town for Trump. But they could have been there for any number of reasons. Hell they could have come in for the march.

Somewhat tangential, Busboys and Poets is everything a Trump voter would hate- all about social justice, often have speakers on issues of race, reparations, class, gender, etc. supports living wages, etc. So, either they’re naive, or they’re not as polar as the story seems