
You must be a racist, to take someones kind hearted gesture with a worthy thing to say and still some how bash it because your whore of Saudi Arabia didn’t win... you are the problem not some rich white guy from Texas.

You must be a racist, to take someones kind hearted gesture with a worthy thing to say and still some how bash it because your whore of Saudi Arabia didn’t win... you are the problem not some rich white guy from Texas.

You must be a racist, to take someones kind hearted gesture with a worthy thing to say and still some how bash it because your whore of Saudi Arabia didn’t win... you are the problem not some rich white guy from Texas.

You must be a racist, to take someones kind hearted gesture with a worthy thing to say and still some how bash it because your whore of Saudi Arabia didn’t win... you are the problem not some rich white guy from Texas.

You must be a racist, to take someones kind hearted gesture with a worthy thing to say and still some how bash it because your whore of Saudi Arabia didn’t win... you are the problem not some rich white guy from Texas.

Also your fucking idiot no where in that whole fucking article did it say they voted for trump, just that the waitress made an unfair assumption that they did and that’s why they are there.

You must be a racist, to take someones kind hearted gesture with a worthy thing to say and still some how bash it because your whore of Saudi Arabia didn’t win... you are the problem not some rich white guy from Texas.

You must be a racist, to take someones kind hearted gesture with a worthy thing to say and still some how bash it because your whore of Saudi Arabia didn’t win... you are the problem not some rich white guy from Texas.

You must be a racist, to take someones kind hearted gesture with a worthy thing to say and still some how bash it because your whore of Saudi Arabia didn’t win... you are the problem not some rich white guy from Texas.

You must be a racist, to take someones kind hearted gesture with a worthy thing to say and still some how bash it because your whore of Saudi Arabia didn’t win... you are the problem not some rich white guy from Texas.

You must be a racist, to take someones kind hearted gesture with a worthy thing to say and still some how bash it because your whore of Saudi Arabia didn’t win... you are the problem not some rich white guy from Texas.

this is a major problem in the ATL happens multiple times a day in the same area , by the same people. BUT, for some reason the judges just keep on giving them probation and letting them out. BTW 90% of these car jackings and theft are by the same teenagers, they get out of court and in a couple days are at it again.

You suck, and your commenting is pure garbage ... sorry we disagree, thanks for devoting what little time you did to my piece?? Really you condescending asshole?! maybe the guy read the whole thing and saw that you can’t keep you personal opinion out of it. we don’t come here to read about your thoughts on the

That’s because this guy is a hack, just another pissed off African American that didn’t get the president he wanted. This fool is going to be the downfall of FTA. :/

Fuck NATO and their one world police force/ government.

I think you a writing for the wrong page don’t you belong on the ROOT?

So this is what is to be expected now? I miss Tyler. I mean nice clickbate, 2 crazy Liberals from Cali of all places make a bill that won’t see the light of day. SO this is what Jalopnik has become? like the rest of the kinja group; just Trump hating? I came here originally to get away from all the bullshit and talk

No one in the EPA can talk about it, he also has a gag order for anyone who works for the EPA.

Awe already grayed, guess I will just have to make another burner account to fuck with you all. OH and btw nice you replaced gawker with an outright racist site wonder how long before this starts getting sued? bwahahahhahhahhahhahahhahhahha

BAhahahahhahah it must be true if Mary J said it!!! I love how you all love call everyone racist without an once of proof. hahahhahhahhahha you all look like a bunch idiots!!! i love it!