
I really don’t give a fuck, I was just answering the young ladies question. But I will go on and say it for all you GO TRUMP ahjahahhahha I didn’t vote for him but now I wish I did.

awe did I rub a little SJW wrong. boo hoo. Did you ever think that it is because all his elementary school records are sealed, or the fact that his dad isn’t American and he spent a large portion of time not living in the US, did you ever think that maybe it’s just politics as slimey as it gets? Look at all the women

If you think this is good for children to be doing you are fucking stupid! please do not repopulate. the world already has too many fucking retards like you.

oh IDK, maybe it has nothing to do with race there snowflake. Maybe you should get your offended little head out of your ass and quit race blaming everything.

you are a fucking idiot, but please all you liberal crybaby fucktards are too funny. The rest of you left leaning peeps that know how to act as a dults I applaud you but this mutha fucker right. what a fucking bunch of nonsense.