
I mean you’ve sort of got him pegged. I’d contrast this with John Carmack who left Meta after 3+ years because he just couldn’t get anything optimized.

I don’t think she honestly wants to be anything other than on camera.

This is part of why we don’t go to church. It’s filled with groomers and pedophiles and sycophants desperate to protect them so they can feel superior for forgiving an abuser. I choose to protect my child from predators and ensure he’s only exposed to more wholesome and accountable communities like the LGBTQ+

Taibbi notes that the Trump White House also attempted to influence Twitter’s handling of the story, which has actual First Amendment implications.

Suddenly, a new challenger.

There are so many bigger, more obvious examples, but one that’s telling for me about DS9's greatness: No other Trek could have taken a C-string lackey villain like Damar and did what they did with his messy redemptive arc.

Deep Space 9 was, and has remained, the greatest Trek series. I can’t be persuaded otherwise. The best plots, the best setting, the best characters - and, crucially to why it worked so well, the best character match-ups. Pick any two characters and they could easily shoulder a whole episode. Maybe Ezri, at a pinch,

I didn’t mind them aesthetically but I could not force myself to put in the effort necessary to “read” them fluently.

Ultimate Destruction was superb. All you’d need to do would be to update it, maybe set it in a neutral sandbox, and go to town.

“Targeted for assassination? Geez, that must suck...”

It hurts Kanye West more than Trump because Black folks expect more from ourselves. That shit don;t fly in our communities. We been there. Black folks don’t question whether or not a bunch of aryans might stick us in prisons and flood them with gas. We been there.

“This is a private and personal matter and I ask that the media respect our privacy at this time,”

Favorite Overwatch VA?? You mean favorite Apex Legends VA. Ya plonker.

I really hope people dig into this worthless person’s privacy and just strew everything out there. She deserves that at a minimum considering the sorts of crap she spews and the cancer she’s been on the country’s institution of government. Not to mention any sort of criminal conspiracy charges that may have been

They were targeting mid-level hedgefunds that were targeting GameStop for shortselling because GameStop was a garbage company and everyone knew it. They ended up making billions upon billions for the world’s largest hedgefunds (BlackRock and Fortress) who had heavily invested in GameStop and also gave GameStop’s CEOs

Another clown who wouldn't recognize an actual virtue if it picked him up out of the gutter and gave him a hot meal .

Logged on Facebook this morning for the first time in forever to leave this for my GQP family and former friends. Feel free to share it with yours:

All the butt-hurt racist asshats trying to make the excuse that you don’t touch someone else bike are making a lame-ass argument.

It’s fascinating how the sheep all fall in line.