
We’ve already done what?”

This. There’s no real “tax” benefit to incorporating in Delaware that other states don’t offer. What makes Delaware attractive is 1) the extensive precedents, meaning corporations have a better idea of how interaction with the state courts will play out and 2) the chancery court makes legal proceedings

When being accused of having too much power and influence over negotiations the obvious defense is to blatantly move the company to another state to get your way regardless. That’ll show them.

I put all my money into Mexican Lottery Tickets. 12 months later, I’ve had 900000% gains, $22 million net worth, while you’re begging for a 25% appreciation on the Bitcoin you bought too high. Have Fun Staying Poor Loser!


Why would the shareholders want to move incorporation to Texas? Especially after being in Delaware protected them from a massively overblown compensation package?

“If you’ve ever bought a home with the help of the well-known mortgage and loan firm Mr. Cooper”

Sexagenarian? David Tennent is only 52

You definitely should be proud of this. I wish more people here in the US would recognize that European countrie have found a good balance on a lot of economic issues. Just because we’re the most powerful (due mostly to lucky geography) doesn’t mean we have all the answers.

I’m really proud of my home country during issues like this! We have no need for shitty employment policies from other countries that see workers as closer to disposable indentured servants more than anything, and it makes me so happy that we are sticking by that in practice as well as in theory!

Yeah that’s the thing, even if a game runs at a lower-than-ideal framerate I can still get used to that if it does so consistently, or if the swings aren’t huge. Doom 2016 on PS4 isn’t a steady 60 fps at all, it gets there sometimes, but even in the big fights it’s still steady enough that I don’t really care.

In cinematography there are rules (guidelines) about how fast your panning and tracking shots can be based on the 24fps framerate. They also have the benefit of being able to just use a longer exposure and/or post processing to capture more of the motion within a single frame. Games try and replicate this using a motio

I always got the impression that George W Bush is a very well-meaning man. I think he got out of his depth, but he genuinely gave it his best and cared about the job he was doing as the President — and I think he understood when he needed to ask for expert opinions.  I don’t think he made all the right calls.  Fair

Notepad has a place as a basic text editor. Its specific value is NOT having any formatting which is often necessary to edit certain types of files.

It wasn’t both. Zuck was totally ready. He does BJJ and has been in and won tournaments. He was totally ready. He just finally got tired of Musk’s excuses.

Einhander is such a treat.  Lovely, lovely game.

If I could just get Einhander at all I would be happy. Having that game has been a long time dream.

Now give me updated versions of battle arena toshinden and einhander you cowards.

It’s depressing to look through his history.

Twitter—which owner Elon Musk still thinks you should call “X”