
This makes me miss Cafe Poca Cosa (RIP). Most certainly would have been there had it survived the pandemic.

Yeah, I thought there was some serious idiocy going down in this thread and then I stumbled upon this gem.

I swear, not one of these morons even SLIGHTLY understands why we moved to fiat currency in the first place.

Hey, if it actually helps people than great. But let’s not pretend that the reason it’s useful for the refugees isn’t the EXACT SAME REASON it’s good for criminals and tax dodgers.

The “public” vote of people that pay a monthly fee to kiss Elon’s ass overwhelmingly kissed Elon’s ass.  Shocker. 

This is what I was going to say. AoA + Dark Beast is what planted the seed of Beast’s arc in the 2000s.

Yeah, it feels like they are glossing over specific regional issues with that one. Although in at least one scenario it is showing the rest of Arizona generally depopulating and the Phoenix area the only one growing - which might indicate the growth is due to migration within the state. It might make more sense in

Love that this is your take. Rather than reading this for what it is - just one more bit of confirmation that Xitter really is the complete dumpster fire shit-show it appears to be.

It’s down to two for me. In retrospect it was probably MORE epic (which is to say shockingly unlikely, given the pricing) to say getting the SNES (with Super Mario World)+Pilotwings for Christmas in 1991.

However, in terms of pure childhood excitement, I think it was actually when my brother and I were given the

It is extremely likely you did actually sign that and simply don’t remember it among all the other things you signed that day.

Also: for what it’s worth, I received an email from Mr. Cooper about this incident on November 2nd with a link to their incident status update page. A link that - incidentally - changed at some

I love how these “free market” worshipers (and really right-wingers in general) keep trying to appropriate the insults directed at them, but have absolutely ZERO clue what they mean or why they are being directed at them.

Maybe I’m missing something, but the charged lemonade was always described as having caffeine and being sort of an “energy drink”. I don’t know that I ever saw HOW MUCH caffeine was in a serving.. but it was always presented in a way that made it clear to me at the time that I wouldn’t want it and that I wouldn’t want

I get that this is an attempt to avert “scalping” of the cybertruck.. but I also think it’s hilarious that they believe someone might be willing to pay even more for one of these monstrosities.

And after the first year... well, I’m just going to assume the cybertruck is its own absurd resell penalty.  LOL

That was my first thought: “Please let ProPublica run with this!

That’s not quite how it works in a privately held corporation. Yeah, maybe his creditors might eventually decide to do something, but it’s not anything like ousting the CEO of a publicly-traded corporation.

Gee, if only we had some sort of deal in place to to help slow nuclear weapons development in exchange for mutual gain. Something that might give us leverage when it came to negotiating about ballistic missile development.

Oh yeah, President Art-of-the-Deal tanked that one.

American Libertarians are basically the “Republicans for Weed” party.

The left is pushing for more drag shows, more graphic sex stories read to preschool children, etc.”

More complete delusion.  I wish we had a vaccine for stupid.  Of course you’d refuse to take it...

Take your own advice, moron.

So your sources are youtube videos? Are we supposed to take that seriously?  How about some actual proof that couldn’t have been edited or faked to push a fucking false narrative?

No, the better question is why are you so easily duped into thinking that is actually a thing?