
With more and more of these kinds of announcements, I’m actually starting to worry about an outcome resulting from self-fulfilling prophecies.

Gtfoh with this bullshit. You know damn well that this story (assuming it’s true) isn’t simply about someone “changing their mind about something.” You also know damn well that if Boebert simply had a “personal opinion” about abortion, there wouldn’t be a problem. Guess what, everyone has a personal opinion about

JFC can you imagine the shit-fit they’d throw? “we didn’t mean this should apply to the ‘rational gun owners’ like us, we meant ‘everyone else’!” LOL

Our legislators would rather surveil people than limit their access to guns and ammo.

Clearly the answer to all of this gun violence is more guns. Just like when the doctor tells someone they have cancer and proceeds to prescribe more cancer.

What they fail to understand is that by saying that, they’re politicizing the murders.

Yeah, Pete Davidson isn’t conventionally a “hot guy”, but I strongly suspect he’s good company, funny, and low-stress. Cruz can’t fathom a good personality being a factor because he has the personality of a bog leech in cold oil and assumes that hot girls rejected him solely because of his looks.

Let’s not and say that we did...

They should make him reup for 18 years to make a point

Here’s the tweet

It wasn’t Bungie’s reply, but it’s still amazing.

No mention of one of the top-tier replies in the comments of the twitter post?

It’s funny how the people who are so rabidly “it’s my choice to not wear a mask!” are also so angry at the people who make their own choice to wear one. It’s almost like the anti-mask nutters are raging hypocrites or something.

A certain commenter? I've seen multiple cryptosimps on this site. Though it's entirely possible they're all just the same idiot with multiple accounts.

The main flaw in your argument is that there’s no universal baseline for what good and bad is.”

I have sympathy for anyone struggling, that being said, it seems she lacks taking responsibility for her actions like many alcoholics. She admittedly took medication and alcohol to the point where she blacked out but seems to feel she is the victim of the mom who took to Twitter and her now former friend. She even thro

As some one in Japan.. while the in the past generations Japanese generally preferred Sony and Nintendo’s offering, its beginning to change with this current generation. There’s a perception here that Sony is no longer a Japanese company, with all the games being released in the US first, and the PS5 being more

When middle aged folks (like me) dismiss Billie Eilish as whisper-singing Millennial music, I’m always like, “Ah, so you were never cool enough for Portishead.”

Refit Enterprise for #1 (Fight me...)