
Aren’t you and your ilk always saying parents know better? Pick one or the other “buddy”.

Funny how it works both ways for you.

So you agree the issue was completely made up by conservatives to get mouth breathers riled?

1) There are family friendly drag shows
2) “the left” doesn’t push anything in particular about drag shows - so quit with the completely made-up false outrage.  You’re protecting nobody.

I’m about 60% convinced we’re going to get Falme and Callandor/Stone of Tear combined at the end of this season. If anything to avoid a second Ishy death fake-out.

Thankfully Taco Bell exists.  The funny thing is you don’t even need the food, necessarily.   Taco bell fountain/soft drinks - for whatever reason - are the closest thing to food-grade liquid plumr you will ever find.  

So - just bear with me now - what if I told you you could actually tell when your framerate drops without actually having to monitor the exact number? What if I also told you that it can be highly distracting when that happens?

I feel like needing 120 fps is ridiculous, personally (ditto for needing ultra high

I’d argue that’s the problem: he’s an assertively bland author. Not BAD, but also not remarkable.

IMHO the writing in Dune prequals (and also the sequals/conclusion) was “fine”. Everything else (story/plot/characterization) was mediocre at best and cringey bad Dune fan-fic at worst. They also have the exact same

So, I guess being unable to control your own mouth is a “back issue”?

To Tanker27.. that “active” volcano hasn’t erupted in over 400 years, dipshit. You know you can easily verify that it wasn’t a fucking eruption that started these wildfires, right?

Does Samhain know you’ve got this picture of him?  lol

This is some twisty logic. Viewership is dropping off because you had to dumb it down for Americans? If that were true then doesn’t that at least imply that viewership would drop elsewhere, but NOT in the US?   And yet.. here we are.

Sounds like you’re just bad at whatever it was you were attempting to do.

Until you can demonstrate that what Sotomayor did could have had a direct result on her opinions as a Supreme Court Justice then you are engaging in typical brain-dead whataboutism.

No, they are NOT exactly the same you dipshit moron. And no, saying what Sotomayor did was less offensive than Alito or Thomas is not the

This is also how we ended up with Kristin Sinema

Hey, christofascists.. wrap a plastic bag around your head.

When you keep moving right, it looks like the other side is moving left.  Dipshit.

Damn I loved Einhander, it’d be great to have it available on modern gaming machines.

It’s probably a much less popular opinion - but I’d also love a remake of the first Ogre Battle (March of the Black Queen). Tactics Ogre was fantastic, but the first was just so vastly different.

Wow, I have the exact same criticisms of Star Wars that you do - and yet I COMPLETELY disagree .

Yes, Star Wars absolutely forces too many DIRECT connections between the main characters of the stories - which does indeed make the universe feel too small. I have to wonder if that flaw is coloring your view of this idea

Christians seem to think anything they don’t like goes against their religion, despite a complete lack of evidence to support that assertion.

I find their non-Christ-like iteration of Christianity offensive to my own golden-rule-abiding-ass. They’ll scream bloody murder if someone like myself dares suggest any

A better question is have you actually read the novel Dune? You know - the story both movies were adapting and therefore will necessitate some of the same story beats and plot points?

I knew VII would end up in the number 1 spot (undeservedly IMHO - I’m sorry, VI is and always will be better).. but wow, you did IV dirty.

First of all.. CoD knock-off FPS, wut? Given that CoD has a million entries in the series, you might as well try to say that all FPS games end up being a knock-off of CoD.

Counterpoint to your myopic focus on plot/names: the TF2 campaign was the most FUN FPS campaign I had played in a long, long, long time. Nothing