
Exactly. It was the “Unless you’re sick in bed, TV time is OVER” signal.

I keep accidentally reading that headline as “Elon’s Brain Interference Company” and then asking “which one?”

Leave it to the obscenely wealthy guy (who incidentally has never actually HAD to work a day in his life) to unironically state that it’s morally wrong for one person to be in a seemingly nicer/better situation than another.

You sound like a child, so maybe that’s why you are always so angry and confused?

Get your walking-conservative-caricature-ambulatory-bigot-bot ass out of here. You’ve got nothing to contribute.

Again, nothing in that article is referring to actions by protesters at the time of the shooting, but over a month afterward.

And even if Teran was “guilty” of shooting an officer, we’ve got zero verifiable information or context for what led to that shooting. You simply want to take the police’s version of the story

Dude, can you even read? Everything detailed there happened AFTER the shooting. In fact most of what is being talked about was the March 4th-6th timeframe.

“Used it to kill someone”

Since you can’t even get basic facts about this whole thing correct, why should we give what you say even an ounce of consideration?

This person ALLEGEDLY wounded an officer - and there are recordings of other police officers alluding to the fact that it might have actually been friendly fire.


But what does this leak do for “society”? Other than give the institutions that want to drop the hammer on (actually vital) leaks even more justification for doing so?

This is a rando dumbfuck being a rando dumbfuck.

I think you are a bit too into the idea that data was leaked, rather than what was leaked and why.

We already treat whistleblowers terribly, we don’t need dumbfucks like this dude who are leaking information with no particular purpose. Incidents like this are used to justify the government and military cracking-down

Also the fact that his whole agenda for doing it seems to be clout among other racist meme-makers?

Most people know not to share their masturbation fantasies in a public forum like this. 

Ditto. I also paid $90 for Ogre Battle. Didn’t regret a single dime.

From the party that is supposedly very very concerned about “groomers”.  

Revisit this flawed line of thinking when you can grow a baby in your dick.

No, she aborted HER fetus you disingenuous fuck.

He’s mad because he’s petty af and she made a decision to not let a creep-ass liar she no longer wants a relationship with use her own body as some means of keeping power over her.

IMHO the list went too heavy on Automatic For the People.. but to imply Man on The Moon is the best of the bunch that is there AND skip “Try Not To Breathe” is just crazy.

I know this is trademark BS.. but given that Pokemon existed BEFORE Monster Beverage had the name, I wish they’d have turned around and said that - by Monster’s own fucked-up logic - Monster Beverage needs to change their name to avoid confusing Pokemon fans.

Well, this whole twitter acquisition is all Ls and no Ws.  Mid-school Musk just doesn’t realize he’s putting a fine point on it.

Who voted for this eeyore-ass ambulatory wet fart?

If somebody wants to do X they will find a way to do it” is the most pathetic paean to inaction. You could literally say that about anything you’re trying to legislate. I don’t see this limp shrugging when it comes to drag queens or abortions though..

Deep thinking

She’s definitely got some stroke victim/bell’s palsy face asymmetry.

I try really hard not to make fun of people for the way they look, but I read about what one of these objectively terrible people does/says and they always make me mumble something awfulIn this particular article’s case:  “fuckin popeye-lookin