
Yeah, for a split second there I thought it was someone tweeting about Elon.. I’m still recovering from the eyeroll that happened when I realized it actually was Elon himself tweeting that out.

Do the opposite while ALSO bleating some whatever-ist dog-whistle culture war bullshit distraction.

Know what’s not actively poisoning your property and your family?
- A woman having access to an abortion
- A gay wedding
- Police accountability
- Easily voting
- Asylum seekers
- Healthcare
- Unisex bathrooms
- Feminism

What offers “better returns” depends completely on the time scale you are using.

Not everyone will be required to be in the office three days a week, he pointed out, but the exceptions will be limited.”

But Bill Koch’s most public endeavors thus far have been his vendettas against those who have sold him counterfeit wine. He claims to have spent $35 million tracking down counterfeiters, including when a con man sold him four bottles allegedly owned by Thomas Jefferson for over $400,000.

Wow, bad faith argument much?

I’m not sure where you think you are - but this is a video game blog talking about a video game. The focus is going to - naturally - be on the goddamn NEW video game. Not books, not rando HP merchandise, not universal studios.

Anyone boycotting this game for this reason is likely doing the

I like how you just assume these kids are just out doing it all on their own. Quick! Don’t let dad catch me transitioning!

GTFO with your faux righteousness.  Especially when there are plenty of teens out there being forced to ruin their lives via a pregnancy they don’t want.  

Unless you’d like to cop to designing that balloon, I think you’re making quite a few assumptions with that statement.

Or you could be glad that the US military actually takes the possibility of civilian injuries or death into account before letting something as big as three buses plummet 60000 feet to the earth.

I wouldn’t go so far as to say he changed music forever.. but he certainly started a craze. Frankly, the worst part about the auto-tune backlash is the fact that he really can sing, but that just gets overshadowed by the technology debate.

Changed music forever might be a bit hyperbolic, but your reaction to that statement makes you sound either incredibly old, or too young to be on the internet unsupervised.

Yeah, and getting tased once isn’t the same as six times in a short period. Seems like you’re glossing THAT over like it’s not a factor.

To say nothing of the fact that any one individual surviving a tasing is NOT proof that everyone will.

I can almost guarantee that Microsoft still employs this under the covers at times.  Mostly because I’m 99% sure every publicly traded corporation actually does this.  Particularly when they’ve been mandated to cut operating costs (aka, lay people off).

Beat me to it, take your damn star!

It doesn’t throw out the emissions argument entirely though.  Just that one particular aspect of it.

All flow-rate considerations aside. I’m pretty sure an electric tankless water heater is already assumed to be the more efficient option. The only problem there is if the power is out, so is your hot water.

Which is the one issue with electric stoves nobody likes to mention.

Isn’t it interesting that maybe these

You really should just edit your entire post to read:

Unless Mr Tate actually and truly hates women, beats them senseless, openly says he hates women, disrespects them through lies, and is in love with men. Calling him a Misogynist is not the right adjective for Mr Tate.

Thank you for saying this. I know this was supposed to be a “safe” seat, but the Dems truly didn’t even try in this case. Yes, Republicans will vote for anyone - but the fact that this guy got elected before all this came out is completely and totally on the Democrats - it was out there, use it!

I think you slightly underestimate the legal requirements for a large-ish company that has users across a wide swath of the world. You could very well need at least one GC for each of those categories for every Geo in which you operate. Regulatory-heavy areas like the EU might require more. Then there are individual