
And not a single real example of these fuck-ups. Nope.. just “all if it”

The biggest fuck-up was the CDC coddling the public and the President in order to not upset morons and/or the GQP (assuming there is a difference). The masking flip-flop is the single biggest mistake of the whole pandemic. Full-stop.

No health guide

Eat a bagful of rotten reproductive organs. For every example of (not complete in-context) misinformation you cite there are thousands of actual pieces of misinformation allowed to circulate.

Your false equivalence is breathtakingly stupid.

I remember having to save up $90 of allowance in order to finally buy Ogre Battle on the Super Nintendo.. and I’m pretty sure Street Fighter 2 Turbo cost me 70 dollars.

Not saying higher prices is a good thing.. but I am saying that I think we’ve been spoiled by relatively “standard” lower prices for the last - oh - 2

Oh please. It’s pretty easy to argue that this a gift provided exclusively within the confines of the marital contract - which they are in the middle of dissolving.

If it were up to me she would be well within her rights to demand them back even if they were still married - though I certainly would question the health

There are already some (bad) non-federal precedents in place.

Just look at the Arizona state supreme court.. the Repubs deliberately expanded+stacked it and even use it to invalidate citizen-approved ballot initiatives without subjecting the legislature to that same sort of scrutiny.

Until Isolation I felt that way about the old Monlith AvP games.

If what you believe or think requires you to be a dick to other people you actually ARE some type of “phobe” or bigot.

99% of people that use the phrase “virtue signaling” are basically engaging in iniquity signaling in order to score points with fellow “phobes” and bigots.  You can fuck right off.

What a moronic statement.

They are locked into a venue, but don’t want to give an extra nickel to a state that doesn’t give a flying fuck about them or the safety of their attendees.  That’s not living in fear, that’s voting with your dollars.

Sounds like you need to toughen up.

This misses the entire point though. Sure those words are not “incorrect” descriptions.. but  ‘primitive’ and ‘weird/bizarre’ have connotations outside of their literal dictionary definitions - connotations that have a tremendous impact on how we frame our relationships to these species.

I’m at a loss for how to cram more idiocy into a single post. Bravo, I guess?

Socialism” is in the Nazi party name because socialism was popular in Germany at that point and the Nazis wanted to court that popularity. That is the full extent of their “socialism” you heat-baked porta-potty.

Can we all just sit back and take a minute to appreciate how the racist and islamophobic white christian snowflakes of this nation absolutely fear these same gulf states, while simultaneously trying to behave exactly like them?

Are you really “Both sides-ing” one party attempting to overturn an election?

Well that’s one way to completely distort what is happening in this country. The overton window has actually been moving in the OPPOSITE direction, bud.

The right has shifted so far right that former centrist Democrats are now radical leftists and former centrist Republicans are RINOs.

Jesus, man. Have you even listened to Republicans these last few months. The fall of Roe was great since it lets the states decide! Followed immediately by talking about a nation-wide abortion ban.

That’s just the latest in a long line of examples. States-rights advocates only argue FOR them when the federal government

We’re going to need some actual electoral evidence of this before you can start arguing a point like this.   In 2015 I would have given this idea some credit.  7 years later all evidence points in the opposite direction.

Yeah, Cheney is full MAGA right up until it turned into overturning an election.  I applaud her for standing up at that point - but she deserves no credit beyond that.

I don’t buy that, to be honest. She wasn’t my preferred candidate, but the hatred for Hillary has always been overblown well beyond anything she had done (or not done) to merit it. All those same forces that helped us get to January 6th spent decades chipping away at her to make SURE she was hated.

Even when I was in


Seems like it’d be exhausting to be so focused on something that doesn’t really affect you in any way. So focused that - for some reason - you literally can’t shut your mouth long enough to think about whether floating your crazy out there will have consequences.

This is dumb. So we should just be angry at everyone with no actual evidence?

These other game developers you suspect of being shitty have learned at least one basic rule of business survival - keep your shitty, hateful views to yourself.

That’s ALL this particular asshat had to do - but no - his entitled ass just had