
Yeah, that fake witch hunt that for some reason kept stumbling across actual witches. Can’t tell if your head is in your ass, or if your ass is just your head.

You do realize that every one that’s involved with this horribly corrupt operation were the same ones that tried to push the fake Russia-gate hoax on the

Which is good, because clearly you never will.

Rampart wants Sheila back, Crawford.

But remember: the solution to school shootings is to make sure there’s a gun in every single classroom across the country. Because adults are never negligent, and accidents never ever happen.

Democratic Senator Scott Kelly”

In that case, I’d better get my alter ego “Alec Shones” ready, so I can grift millions off of people willing to believe it was a false-flag suicide.

When I first heard about that, my only thought was that since this isn’t Rudy Guiliani, I can only assume this lawyer is so sick of Jones’ shit that he did it on purpose and if that means being disbarred, so be it.

While I giggle at the thought of it being sheer incompetence, part of me really wants it to have been

Lobbying is a threat to democracy, yes. Kristen Sinema and Joe Manchin are also threats to democracy - in no small part because of that same lobbying... but if you are trying to both-sides this when the Republicans/right wing is clearly the bigger threat you might want to re-evaluate your perception of things.


I’m still flabbergasted at the whole idea that hulu gets to pick and choose what is “too sensitive” politically. I’m constantly seeing ads for our local state election talking about the “border invasion” like we’re in the midst of some medieval siege. I guess painting any random spanish-speaking someone with slightly

No “The Fourth Kind”? I thought I was over my childhood phobia of being abducted by aliens until I watched that.

What I don’t understand is why nobody seems to care about economic and supply chain shocks due to the pandemic.

Politicians and partisan news organizations in particular seem to be hell-bent on acting like whatever inflation or shift in consumer behavior has happened is in no way connected to the last 2-3 years. Rather

Oh yes, they are going after you because of your “youth” rather than every other damn insane thing out of your mouth...

And “originalists” can’t be bothered to actually understand the origin of the 2nd amendment or the fact that at one point it was understood that using a hunting rifle for food did not constitute “bearing arms”.

.. and I thought the liberals were all supposed to be the “elitists”? Typical conservative response. Shits on public schools while likely never once voting to improve them. Likely votes for the opposite.

Point flying right over your head, eh?

It’s fine for her to change her personal stance. It’s WRONG for her to deny others the choice she had because of that.

This is an aspect of weather in the hotter areas of the southwest that I don’t think people fully grasp. People ooh and aah about it hitting 120ish and then move on (or worse, write it off as a “dry heat” Oh yeah? So’s a barbeque grill!)

So many people haven’t experienced that horrifying moment when you leave a venue at

Except I see no evidence of your point to actually validate it. It feels like you are taking previous more egregious examples and projecting them onto these latest articles. Frankly - I don’t see it.

Where is the addiction justification you specifically pointed out? Is saying you like something automatically that?


Oh, I wasn’t talking about the how Avengers was monetized. I was specifically talking about how MFR was so blatantly exploitative/monetized that it left a bad taste in my mouth that Kotaku had the nerve to proclaim MFR as a better game. It wasn’t/isn’t and it’s exploitative as hell to boot.

I totally get that Avenger’s

Ugh, all of Kotaku’s articles about MFR are completely cringe, IMHO. To the point that I don’t trust anyone on the site to have a very nuanced discussion about what constitutes a “good” mobile game. Let alone an honest discussion about what is and isn’t exploitative.

I actually disagree with this. If you want a real example of that you should go read Fahey’s gushing about Marvel Future Revolution.  Which read somewhere between self-justification and like he’d been paid to talk it up.

I haven’t played enough Immortal to see where the paywall really is, but in MFR was right there out