
The “heartbeat” metric is absurd on so. Many. Levels.

Don’t give the Texas Legislature any ideas.  At least a few of those nutjobs would seriously consider passing a law that requires you to marry the person that got you pregnant, rapists included.

If you don’t know you are pregnant in 6 weeks then you are an idiot.”

Found the incel.

with modern medicine the way it is, it’s inevitable that it will become one”

Oh boo hoo, we lost another one that finds it impossible to have a nuanced and adult view of the world.

Bye, Felicia. You won’t be missed.

The problem, as always, is that there are two different arguments being rolled into one. Sometimes deliberately, other times accidentally.

I - and this is speaking as a man - am slightly uncomfortable with the moral implications of abortion. Full disclosure: I was also raised Catholic.. so there’s baggage there. If I

Funny enough people who have not studied history or read for that matter would know that sterilization was once though as necessity to get rid of undesirables”

Hey dumb fuck in the greys. Funny enough - people that pay any attention at all to the modern world would notice that most people believe that forced

Let’s step back for a second and make a very important distinction. There is a world of difference between believing someone should be allowed the possibility of an abortion vs. your own personal feelings on abortion.

This man is getting backlash because of the FORMER, not the latter.

Once more for the people in the

My state is not blood red anymore.. but it’s close enough to be uncomfortable. I give it a 50/50 chance the fucknuts in the statehouse jump on similar bills, particularly the abortion bill. If that happens I’m seriously going to have to consider moving, however I can make it happen.

My wife and daughter deserve to be

So, the mother revokes consent for her body to be used. Or in the case of unintended pregnancy... never consented.

Seems like letting an abortion happen in those cases is perfectly square with your beliefs.

Oh wait - nevermind - I forgot that we don’t like allowing a woman having control over her own consent.

I agree. Take bunnyhoppers and throw them in a dumpster somewhere.

There is literally nothing that takes me out of almost any game faster than some pogo-stick motherfucker basically cheesing the availability of a jump that was never intended to be anything but situational. If you want to call it “skill” then maybe you

Poor dumbfuck Wallace doesn’t even realize that “report it accurately” isn’t going to result in the report he wants.

To say nothing of the fact that none of what Brewster was reporting on had anything to do with whichever RWNJ-fervent-belief-conflated-with-actual-fact was on the hamster wheel in Wally’s head.

Just make sure you don’t accidentally keep a human from dying of dehydration.

—The Border Patrol

Yeah, talking about rate among black people and blaming that on the spread is pretty disingenuous. There are 3x the number of white and hispanic folk unvaccinated than there are black people TOTAL.

Texans should be able to get their asses to “herd immunity” (or within spitting distance) even if no black folk were

Okie dokie tokemaster. I guess you pretend you weren’t involved at all also?

Or are you just tired of being the acquaintance that nobody can stand anymore?

Subsequent research by people who know a person who does research on youtube is promising?

Of course this sort of response only further buys into the idea that socialists are “against making money” or “want everyone to be poor”.

Basically the conservative version of socialism that lets them hate it without engaging with/understanding it.


Have you read the books? You literally get a sky beam in the prologue of the very first one.

Found the theater owner.

Or at least I hope so - since that’s the only reason I could think of someone wasting time or energy responding to someone’s personal preferences about theatergoing.

“The new Executive Order emphasizes that the path forward relies on personal responsibility rather than government mandates,”

Nothing like encouraging everyone to do the right thing by giving them a pass to do the opposite. These cowards need to be grilled on what they mean by “personal responsibility” at every turn.