
Sadly, I think we’ve pretty firmly established that almost all intel is bad intel when it comes to Afghanistan (and - to a slightly lesser extent - the entire Middle East).

Give me a break. It’s not ALL Trump’s fault, but there’s no denying he left the shitshow extra shitty for Biden. There’s also no denying that the GOP was all for that extra dollop.

This is what you get when you start giving woo-woo crackpot bullshit even the vaguest claim to legitimacy.

What the ever loving fuck? It’s bad enough the anti-vaxxers endanger all the rest of us in the name of their “right to make a personal choice”, but now we also have fuckwits actively undermining other people’s righ

It’s always the self-absorbed dog-fuckers that show up and try to make it all about “fear”.

Listen up, troll. It’s ACTUALLY about doing the right thing when circumstances demand. Nobody cares whether you’re afraid or not. Nobody gives a flying fuck about your own sense of courage. Nobody cares that you have to act like

same level of contagion risk but relatively harmless virus”

Your bad-faith argument has it’s answer right there. It’s relatively harmless compared to the coronavirus.

No, p33h0le - the premise of the article is that there’s a double-standard when it comes to white violence vs black violence.

I know you’re just a troll.. but you could at least do your trolling after having actually read the goddamn article.

I don’t think these Ozark dipshits are beneath me because of their credentials/class. I think they’re beneath me because of their behavior.”

Fuck yeah.  One more time for the people in the back.

Okay P33h0le, let’s just assume everyone is inherently selfish... so now tell us how they would feel if Biles stayed in the competition knowing she wasn’t right and then and hurt their overall score worse than by not competing?

The CDC’s problem - over and over again - is overly optimistic assertions made, not because the evidence was there and overwhelming, but ONLY BECAUSE IT WAS TOO EARLY FOR THERE TO BE EVIDENCE TO THE CONTRARY.

Combine with a complete and tragic lack of understanding human behavior (seriously, somebody get some social

You forgot the first step where McCarthy and McConnell rejected the attempt at an independent (and bipartisan) commission a la 9/11.

Tells you all you need to know about their stance on “bipartisanship”. 

Sorry, steak tataki proves otherwise.

That depends on where you are. You can still get relatively cheap matinee tickets.

That said.. once you’re up to a family of four (like myself) 30 bucks for a month of viewing.. or reall even for a single viewing is somewhere between similarly priced and vastly-cheaper. Plus it cuts out all of the downside you’d get

Simply being able to pause for a bathroom/snack/whatever break  is an amazingly powerful argument for home viewing.  

So calling the ignorant ignorant is apparently “tyranny”. What about OUR freedom of speech, fascist?

The fact that you can even compare actual civil rights protests with whining about what will get us all out of a public health disaster means you are a piss poor judge of ANYTHING. Exemplified by the fact that you

What good arguments? Ben Shapiro specializes in strawman arguments. He might be smart and quick, but he draws from an immensely biased set of data/information and just cannot handle it if you confront him with anything that actually contradicts him... which basically makes him splutter and resort to even more

Okay, now explain what CRT is and how it actually contributes to this.

Oh wait, you can’t.

Because to you talking about the racist history of this country and how it has informed all sorts of policy is the same as “being racist”. Which is the nicest possibly way to say you’re just another idiot with strong opinions on

No, we’re only screaming racist at the unapologetically racist here.

Get with the fucking program, racist.

I see where you are coming from. It’s clear these kids aren’t going to get a nuanced reading of history from these nutjobs, unfortunate as that is.

At the same time - the school might see it as endangering their ability to actually provide that reading of history to their other students.

Yeah, this “I’m just speaking MY truth” needs to die in a fire.

To all the Karens out there (and apparently the Emily”s). The original meaning of that was referring to a completely subjective, internal “truth” that is literally unknowable to anyone else. Not some dog-fucking mangling of objective history that lets you

Why is it the first people to bring up “IQ” are the ones that never have anything remotely intelligent to say?

To answer my own rhetorical question: because they are both deliberately stupid and self-conscious about that fact.

Fuck off “Emily”.