
Yeah, that’s NOT the “death rate among the vaccinated”. That’s “death rate among breakthrough infections that ended up hospitalized” which conveniently ignores orders of magnitude when it comes to ACTUAL death rates.

Just grabbing from your numbers.  Assume 850000 vaccinated people were exposed to covid, and among

That’s funny, because - to me - Donald Glover came off as much more believably “Lando” than Ehrenreich’s Han.   

Otherwise I completely agree - and to take it a step further, there’s literally no need to detail every single little bit of backstory that was hinted at in the OT. All that stuff we referenced that helped

Your last point is almost valid, except that you vastly underestimate the number of people in this country that are -at best - COMPLETELY ignorant, medically. It is perfectly likely that she never even though disclosing the pregnancy was important regardless of how many kids she has. She might even just assume that

Side effect from trading away your soul

The only assholes repackaging segregation are Candace Owens and fucking Ricky Schroeder.

Celebrating emancipation? That’s apparently segregation?
Not being able to go see the Foo Fighters?   Also segregation.

Isn’t that basically saying “Food from Wisconsin is widely available within 100 miles of Wisconsin”?

Culver’s is definitely the only chain in my area with fried cheese curds. While there are some non-chain restaurants around that carry them, they are (by definition) less accessible, especially to a wider audience.

I am rooting for the Suns with every fiber of my being, but yes - that call was absolute BS. I’d have accepted a flagrant 1 if it came down to it, even if I’m still not convinced about how much contact actually happened.

Flagrant 2 though? Joker was clearly trying to play the ball.

I was going to say this as well. While this particular version of DK3 looks especially insane, the gameplay itself isn’t really all that removed from the original/arcade DK3. 

While fewer people would help (full disclosure: I’m in Southern Arizona, therefore part of the problem).. have you ever looked into exactly how much of the Colorado River is diverted to agriculture?

The situation is even more complicated in Arizona because our scared-of-regulations state is gun-shy about trying to

This sounds a lot like me. I don’t really pay attention to HS prospects unless they are local.. but he was hands down my favorite on that Kentucky team - and he did seem exactly poised to be the next Klay.

What I didn’t see coming was him turning into a straight-up cold-blooded killer. Though I probably should have

Clearly she has confused the abundance thing with creating a post-scarcity society.. which yeah, AI and automation should theoretically let us get to that point.

Of course the details of how to do that are tricky. The wrong implementation could also wipe us all out or usher in all sorts of dystopian futures. We’ll

To be perfectly fair, conservatives also work very hard to make being a present-day worker as close to that “ideal” as possible.

So it’s consistent, at least. Consistently horrible, but still.

Based on the pattern emerging.. probably blame both on the homeless?

WoT is just a minefield for people sensitive to gender stereotypes. Starting with the fact that some things are turned on their “traditional” head by the taint on saidin. Sometimes I don’t think people realize that some of the women’s attitudes/behavior are actually mirror images of how men have behaved in less

I never thought I’d reach this point, but please - no jumping.

Maybe that way I can play a multiplayer shooter that doesn’t have people constantly pogo-sticking their way through life in the most ridiculous looking fashion (Although to be fair: at least Timesplitters might give a character an excuse for it).

I don’t get why you think this is an actual argument. People don’t understand that about a plane’s autopilot either.

Which makes it all the more stupid to use the name, given that less than 1% of the (US) population is a pilot with what could be considered anything close to “reasonable” experience with what autopilot

I’m not sure why you expect anyone to try to legitimately engage with your zero-sum thinking.

Jews will always be here. We will always be strong.”

Except you clearly don’t believe that, given this existential crisis over Israel being criticized.  

This is literally the opposite of everything I’ve read. Moderna and Pfizer are both extremely likely to prevent transmission of the virus and in general seem to be effective against emerging variants when compared to J&J (that’s research ongoing, of course).

Add to that the significantly lower efficacy of J&J and it

Given geographies it probably should be. Though I’m not even convinced it had to be a “leak” in the proper sense. The nature of the research implies that there’s at least going to be some occasional travel between the lab/Wuhan and the locales most likely for the next coronavirus variant to emerge.

Whatever precautions

I don’t know.  CSL/Crazy Stalker Lady kind of works for me.