
In a giant ocean of dumb shit, this is exceptional.

It’s crazy - and the huge disconnect between working scientists (again, more optimistic) and science policy makers / journalists (much more pessimistic/cautious) is also nuts.”

No, the choice is to get the vaccine if you are able or accept that everyone else thinks you’re a selfish uncaring douche.

Safer option is to, as you put it: be kind.  Get vaccinated.

Just a reminder that even though Cheyney is in the right in this pushing back on election fraud. She was perfectly fine with everything Trump did and will wholeheartedly support any of it again so long as it comes from someone being “respectable”.

The only thing for sane people to do is push back on all of these

...or you could trust that people know how the wind is blowing in their own area of the country.

My own neighborhood/town is red enough that my fully vaccinated ass will base my mask usage on - you know - the actual transmission and case rates.

Don’t get me wrong - I’m happy I should be mostly in the clear - but there

Another part of the evidence problem was making a recommendation when they should have known there wasn’t evidence either way.

I really take umbrage with the decision to use the statement “we don’t have evidence it’s airborne” as a stand-in for “we have evidence it’s NOT airborne”.

Masks should have been recommended

“Yes, you should be vaccinated regardless of whether you already had COVID-19. That’s because experts do not yet know how long you are protected from getting sick again after recovering from COVID-19. Even if you have already recovered from COVID-19, it is possible—although rare—that you could be infected with the

This person was in a state only partially affected by a temporary shortage (and MOST of that is due to panic buying rather than actually being affected by the real shortage).  Dude is not in the panhandle where there might be a genuine supply issue.

The news outlets you are blaming are all almost universally stating

You see, that’s the problem. CRT doesn’t tell them “how good they’ve had it”. But it does show them that it could have been even worse.

I think the word “privilege” does a disservice sometimes. We like to think of privilege as a tangible positive rather than what it so often is - the lack of an extra negative.

See?  I printed out this entire Andrew Wakefield fan page I found in the geocities archive!

Or: “Posts link to whackadoo youtube chiropractor and life coach

Oh fuck guys! They are kind of almost enforcing rules now! This country just isn’t want it used to be!

You can believe that, but you’re wrong. Good for you (or even good a certain number of people) doesn’t automatically mean good for society.

Okay, I realize I haven’t been to a Subway since the pandemic started, but what makes the toaster bag necessary? Last I checked you could just put cheese (or pay for extra cheese) on any sub and have them toast the thing - thereby making it a “melt”.

Seriously confused here.

Yeah, Prosperity Gospel/Just World means nobody has to admit that they might have simply been the right person in the right place at the right time.

When you’re successful you get to pretend that right place and right time had zero to do with it. To do otherwise is to tacitly acknowledge that not everyone is given the

That is certainly a possibility as well. I went to seizures and/or strokes because I’ve got a family member that has gone through it and that (albeit brief) description sounds remarkably similar to some of what they experienced.

Unfortunately apt metaphor.

I’m super white and one big section of my family is almost stereotypically southern”. You know - fondly remembering the Confederacy and able to say overtly racist things without blinking an eye.

With that sort of measuring stick it was easy earlier in life to say “well I can’t possibly be

“One in 2019 involved a White House staffer that, according to GQ, was walking her dog in the Virginia suburbs before her dog began acting strangely and she felt “high-pitched ringing in her ears, an intense headache, and a tingling on the side of her face.” She had previously reported a similar experience in a hotel

That’s the thing. Nobody has ever enumerated to me any “controversial stance” that doesn’t come across as anything more than knee-jerk reactions that project something onto CRT that isn’t actually there. Most of the list you posted falls into that category.

On top of that, the academic arguments go overboard with

One problem with this list is a lot of these “legitimate criticisms” seem to project a whole lot onto CRT that isn’t actually there.

The idea that it somehow forestalls “analysis” or “meaningful dialog” is by its very nature a reaction to not wanting to apply analysis to how bias has informed our society, or have a