
Nothing demonstrates that you’re on the up-and-up like a completely opaque audit with no documented criteria or procedures.

Now if only you could wrap your head around the idea that this is not a zero-sum game, and that crypto is just adding more energy consumption and environmental damage on top of all of that...

I do understand your main point and - at least to an extent - agree with it. Cutting back on meat/dairy consumption is just a more comprehensive way to address the carbon footprint of the meat industry, rather than just shooting for pie-in-the-sky techniques to hack the carbon cycle of the cow itself.


I first read the headline as “after whining about ‘mask tranny’”.

Sadly, realizing that was a mistake didn’t substantially change how I received the article nor did it improve my opinion.

Still absurd and ridiculous? Check. Still doing nothing to improve us as a society? Check. Still projecting unreasonable fear about

I really don’t know what point he was trying to make with that statement”

Pretty sure it’s “all you racists, please vote for me”

Yes, accountability is racist (or reverse racism or whatever the hell morons thing).

I guess it shouldn’t be surprising that Trump gets triggered by the concept of “accountability”.

While I actually liked both... is it weird that as a child I loved the novelization of this far more than the movie itself?  The endings weren’t the same, as I recall - but both kind of messed me up in their own way.

I’ve given up trying to argue in good faith with the Bongino’s of the world. So with that in mind I’m just going to be petty.

The pic in this article doesn’t do it justice, but Dan “box-head” Bongino looks like someone took a human and replaced the head with their last amazon delivery.. with much the same resulting

I don’t see “All Lives Matter” written on that so I’m pretty sure you can make it more white.

While expanding the word infrastructure normally might be counter-productive if you just want roads repaired, it’s kind of hard to take all that seriously now.

Namely because our “spending bad, government bad” reactionary right-wing can’t even be trusted to even focus on the dry, boring, amoral traditional

The tone of this is really weird.

Given that she has been completely hamstrung by the party of “personal responsibility” it seems only fitting that - at this point - she go ahead and low-key throw some shade by putting it all on them.

Two words: Social engineering.

God bless the CDC, but they don’t understand it at all. They simply don’t see that in a country as self-centered as the US that getting the best compliance requires not giving random yahoos and selfish morons an “out” that they can reference no matter how much it is walked-back later.


Except, no. Thinking you’re immune isn’t the same as being immune. Thinking you aren’t contagious isn’t the same as not being contagious.

If you’re irresponsibly socializing, fuck you. Plain and simple. If you’re vaccinated, socialize with others that are vaccinated. Knock yourself out. Likewise, if you’re out and a


Couldn’t In-N-Out achieve newfound levels of greatness with a perfect, McDonald’s-esque fry?”

I kind of disagree with all of this. They are great.

There is one and only one fatal problem with In-n-Out fries: by their very nature they are not meant to sit after serving. They do not travel well.

If you are getting them to-go you had better be planning on eating them on the way to your destination. If you are

Immense counter-argument. If only it did anything to somehow disprove the original comment.

What’s the over-under for when this guy starts in on black-on-black crime?

Let’s start with the obvious - this article does not mention “Trump Supporters”

What’s your point? Some of the most unapologetically racist-toward-blacks that I’ve met have been Asian. I’ve also encountered misogynists in all races.. so I guess that means we’re just all shit and that automatically takes discrimination

The best part about your response is how defensive you got.

It’s not slanted at all. Vast swathes of the populace are not immune and are still likely to be carriers.

Comparing it to the flu and the cold is disingenuous.  Don’t let your confirmation bias blind you to the risks.

Of all of the possible sets of Iron Man armor they could have spent time, effort and money on... this is what they opt for? Really?

Every now and then I feel like they are deliberately looking for the worst possible reception for anything involving this game.

Major white board omission.