
Holy shit, you are waaaaaaay up your own ass on this one.

Natural (and even artificial) selection are key aspects to “evolution” and attempting to divorce the two is - at best - arguing in bad faith.

The fact that we’ve proven “natural selection” alone proves “evolution” is a thing.

To say nothing of the fact that

Thank you, China. I didn’t know I was going to be given a brand new go-to insult to hurl at people today, but here it is.

Now off I go to refer to every internet shithead I meet as a covid anal swab.

Allow me to introduce you to everyone that watched “Fight Club” and came away with the exact opposite of the intended message...

And that’s the point, that it’s completely detached from the wider economy, that it’s currently being sustained by amateur investors spending their life savings based on social media, and it’s being aggressively manipulated by predators both ways.”

Hence my point about “not real” and “fake” really referring to things

This is getting to the point of splitting hairs.

Keep in mind it was never scheduled for the day of the inauguration. That it was on the 21st would normally have it (mostly) in the clear in terms of undercutting the amount of attention they’d get.

Although - personally - if I were head of a DC-area company I’m not sure I’d have wanted to be even that close in time

Seriously guys.   Is the cancellation supposed to trickle-down or something?  

Now, I love me a Whopper/Impossible Whopper, but this is the truth. Culver’s is so much better. Deluxe or mushroom swiss - both are far superior when I’m craving a fast food burger. 

Incidentally - I also enjoy that Culver’s understands that a decent chicken sandwich does NOT require dressing/mayo. Which to me is rather

Maybe it’s not a replacement for Tie Fighter, but I can’t help but feel that the Squadrons engine and gameplay is the logical first step to that sort of remake. It feels pretty darn close to what I remember.

PvP on the other hand... I haven’t touched squadrons in months (not even for a B-wing) because every time I’m

Who knew that by aid and abetting and feeding the monster, they might have a monster to deal with?

JFC the nerve and lack of self-awareness of these people. I can only muster up the smallest bit of sympathy - and God help me, I’m trying.

Yes, nobody should have to endure death threats like this - but who do they think ma

While you’re technically correct that GPS coordinates aren’t going to be interesting on their own (due to granularity). It think we’re missing the most useful thing about those coordinates - they provide a very nice way to quickly sort/filter the videos that might be the most incriminating.  

While I feel for the handful of users that might actually be contributing members of society... I’m having a terribly hard time thinking we’ll miss the rest of them.

Can we just convince that ISP to build a fake internet where conservatism has won and nobody on the right has anything to complain about?  Maybe that’ll

To make MAGAs look bad, and also accidentally install their leader as President.  Naturally.

Lets me keep using my eneloops, works for me!

Just a reminder: these are the same fuckers that thought people were offended by “grab ‘em by the pussy” only because Trump used the word “pussy”.

Be ready for the most outlandish pearl clutching from each of the most die-hard Trump enablers.  It will test your sanity.

Unpopular opinion: the problem with hawaiian Pizza isn’t the pineapple. It’s the goddamn ham.

This image only works if X and Y are both inverted, but it makes perfect sense for someone that does that.

For those of us (like myself) that invert Y but not X, it’s more like the stick is on TOP of your head. Forward is down, back is up, but left and right don’t automatically correspond to a “natural” motion.  It’s

Taxes do not equal socialism. Discourse in the United States would be a lot better if everyone could wrap their head around that.

Uh yeah, I mean I’m personally not terribly averse to raising taxes, but what the ever-loving fuck?

Last I checked, working from home meant that while I’m not putting as much into the “economic” infrastructure - debatable since all of my basic needs still need to be met - I’m also putting less strain on a lot of the

And yet, no Democrat managed to take the 5 minutes required to run with something like, say... “Rebuild the Police”.

Which leaves plenty of room for reform and re-thinking policing, and sounds just positive enough that mouth-breathers won’t automatically balk at it.