
I keep saying this over and over. If you roll over and let the right lump you in with more progressive members of the party then you either have no platform/policy goals or are a fantastically bad communicator.  Possibly both.

Also: “I’m not a Republican” and “I’m pretty much a Republican” are not platforms.

Which makes their own poor messaging exactly the problem, right?  If you let the other party paint you with the wrong brush, it doesn’t help to blame the store where they bought it.

While it’s true the Rs made that part of their campaign (they tried in Arizona, that’s for sure).. doesn’t that speak to a more complete and utter failure of these “centrists” to actually differentiate themselves among their own constituents?

It seems to me that AOC is perfectly right when she thinks the Dems in general

Personal Responsibility” = I’m personally not responsible for anyone, but everyone else damn well better make sure they behave exactly the way Republican Jesus dictates.

Well... problem #1 is that the Democrats should never ever call it “packing the court”. It needs to be “unpack the court” and that drum needs to be beaten over and over again.

Then add two - only two - seats to the Supreme Court. And when the right inevitably cries foul say “we left you with the slight conservative

1) Doesn’t he mean Ivanka’s big guy?
2) Hunter’s big guy actually loves him.
3) Trump couldn’t mop the floor with anyone or anything. Not even if you tied the mop to his forehead and threw cocaine all over the room.

Holy shit dude.

Sorry, I misunderstood you.

I know I’ haven’t been there since the pandemic started, but where are you digging up cherry tomatoes at subway?

I think everyone in this comment thread is missing the point. They don’t complain about ordering a salad at lunch... they complain about ordering a *chopped* salad at lunch.

Fun fact: you can order a

While no doubt legislation and regulation are the proper way to do this. The problem you are overlooking is that the courts have the power to strike down both legislation and regulation. Well thought-out and well-meaning legislation won’t mean much if ideologues on the bench will contort themselves and the

I’m a little less concerned that they are immature, but that they have found an in-group and a system of beliefs to keep themselves that way permanently.

The real irony in that statement is that the very core of feminism is to topple that same gendered standard that lets women automatically have a better shot at custody of their children.

It’s not feminism that set up the system where men tend to work and women stay home with the children.

It’s not feminism that assumes

LMAO. You really think you said something of worth here?

Here’s a classic feminist “pretense” for you: men are not all mindless and base creatures. Men can do better than being completely enslaved by their sexual desires.

And what’s your grand anti-feminist argument? “No we’re not/we can’t! Stop acting like I have

I’m 100% convinced that this book was written that way.  Or at least the gaming sessions that spawned it.

Oh, so I guess that is your brain oozing out of your ears.  

First things first: I am what should be considered well-off and I have enough withheld that I do get a small-to-modest tax return each year. I also get nearly $1500 taken out of my pay (and this is just the federal income tax, no FICA, no State taxes) per MONTH. If you start factoring in other taxes I’m just under $130

Oh, another person that read the party affiliations of people in the history books, but did fuck all to actually pay attention to party platforms at those times.

Also: If Democrats are the real source of police brutality and use of excessive force, why are the Republicans the ones rushing into defend those same police?


So much freaking out about the $2, but nobody freaking out about whether this amount of food really counts as a “snack”.

This is an exceptionally strange take. How does the “predominant occupier” (A governmental/societal and/or military designation) translate into the “predominant skin color/ethnicity/whatever”?  

Do you honestly believe every territory of every empire was acquired through military conquest and complete displacement of

Yeah Fallen Order itself pretty much visually confirmed it. All you have to do is return to Ilum after completing the section of the game involving it. Any more blatant hint would have required a giant red beam lens-flaring all over the place.