
This answer is easy.

This woman is a gem and - even if she wouldn’t ever say it - everyone that unfollowed her because she encouraged people to vote while holding a magazine with AOC on the cover (gasp, where are my pearls) can fuck ALL THE WAY OFF.

They don’t deserve her.

Literally my first thought.

And you are STILL wrong you logically-challenged imbecile.

You have utterly and completely failed in your portion of the proof. If I were your middle school teacher I’d throw this paper back in your face and make you re-write it until you actually provide some real evidence of your assertion.

My point: everyone needs

Do you know what’s really funny? I said “Systemic issues require everyone to change.”

If you were anything other than a troll you’d have tried to present an alternative to “demoncruds rrrr bud”.

The current alternative to your “completely racist Democrats” are the “proudly/openly racist Republicans”. You lose, fucker. Just screech away while dousing yourself in gasoline and striking a match.

That is why

Wow, triggered this guy hardcore.

Hey dickhead, show me where in the video we know what happened BEFORE the dude started chasing him.

The two people trying to apprehend him after the first shooting is in no way “self-defense”. In fact the dumb fuck child you are so happy to defend should have been on the phone with the

LMAO. Impotent and irrelevant arguments require nothing more than half-hearted rebuttals. I’m not here to change your damaged mind. It’s perfectly clear you are incapable of actually processing data so there’s no use in throwing more at you for your reality-deficient mind to twist into new “evidence” for yourself.

This is exactly what I say.

That’s your entire counter? Warmed-over Republican talking points that offer zero solution to anything other than happily maintaining a status quo you imply you are not okay with. Criticism of a party that is based almost entirely on not understanding context or shift in platforms.

Democrats opposed it and it took -

Do you also routinely vomit in the frozen foods section because it’s someone’s job to keep the floor clean?

This is the ultimate sign you’re an asshole. “BuT i’M A, jOb CReaTor!”.

No, you’re not. You’re taking time away from another employee that could be doing something inside to help improve the shopping experience of

In all seriousness... when these things happen where are all of these “good” cops showing up in support of police reforms? Why does thatthin blue line” so seldom get crossed in support of police reforms when it’s so blatantly obvious there is something wrong? Where are the police out there arguing that being seen as

That’s true. But shutting down Trump is an obvious and - relatively speaking - easier first step. Does anyone really think there’s hope of fixing anything else if we can’t even manage to rid ourselves of him?

The real danger is the almost assured complacency afterward.

Oh, look at the cute little child that thinks the REAL problem is choosing the wrong political party.

So what’s the solution? Vote for Republicans? Yes indeed, I’m sure that will solve everything.

Systemic issues require everyone to change.  Get your ass back under your bridge.

At this point I’m not torn. I’m far beyond feeling sorry for anyone involved in this. My pity has gone from sincere to contemptuous. These are dupes and idiots, for sure - but I’m done wasting my sympathy on people that are primarily victims of their own failure to engage with reality.

So what he’s saying is that a whole office full of “ ‘good’ guys with guns” isn’t going to stop a masked person with “nefarious purposes”?  

My first thought when reading this: Was any attempt made to figure out how many people opted to call out sick that would have normally just gone to work anyhow?

It’s not really the intended focus of the study, I know. But I ask because we’re really bad when it comes to sick leave and the perception of calling out.


I don’t actually disagree, but I think in terms of “villainy” Paul sometimes gets a pass by being more relatable - even if his brand of selfish/banal villainy is ultimately “worse” in the universal scheme of things. 

I was going to say this. Leto II is heroic only in the sense that he’s willing to offer himself up as the villain that is required. Even then - that distinction completely hinges on the idea that his prescience really is absolute and infallible. Take the prescience away and there’d be no argument that he’s a villain.


The former astronaut whose wife was actually INTERACTING WITH CONSTITUENTS in Tucson at the time she was shot in the head. Unlike McSally, who literally spent an entire term hiding from those same constituents.

I can’t wait to not vote for her again.