
And also you, the employee. Can’t forget that.

I’m slightly (but only slightly) ashamed to admit this.. but no, you were definitely not the only one.   Karma missed a real moment right there.

It’s like Lord of the Rings, only Gollum put a dress on and the ring made him racist.

It’s pretty amazing, but now all I can think is “wait until the Ancient Aliens nutters start in on this”.

I used to think of some of that as an interesting thought exercise, but now I can’t help but read it as a sad and (frankly) astounding lack of faith in our species.

We’re tenacious, goddammit! More people need to

I like that tweet because it comes so close to self-aware.  VIRUS IN OUR MINDS, I HAVE BRAIN WORMS

Yes indeed. I’m also a 42 year old American and frankly, I don’t trust America anymore, either. I wouldn’t blame anyone else for not trusting us.

I’ve never been so naive to believe that we’ve ever really lived up to the idea/ideal of America, but never has the truth of the matter been laid so bare. All our

If you want to be pedantic, sure. Although I’d argue that our “racism” is a misnomer since it’s a largely a social construct based on rather superficial distinctions - no matter how much the racists would like to argue otherwise.

And that’s not even touching on the old EU where everyone picked up on this and leaned into it by also establishing the Emperor and the Empire in general as being virulently racist.

I completely understand Conway not liking his original concept being twisted the way it has been.. but is this really the first time he’s decided it has become problematic? Sometimes I’m not always sure every WRITER of the Punisher got the note that Frank is not an embodiment of heroism or that that anger, violence,

The only psyop at play here is whatever got you to to the point of posting this.

Wonders if Omegapixel ever noticed the long-standing “science” subsection of the site.

There are always going to be those god-tier players that get their favorite hero and just wreck everyone, but you’ll be able to contribute in short order. Just realize that when you start your flexibility is limited - you need to level up your base troopers to unlock/upgrade star cards and you need a certain number of

The people that get the most worked up over those headlines are the ones that need the articles the most.

You started off so strong. Exactly why MAGA-Hawkeye needed to get his beat down (people defending themselves). Then you rolled right off the fucking road with this right wing tough guy liberal bussing bullshit.

Just bite the bullet, go upstairs, and tell mommy you have finally outgrown those xxxl underwear and to pick

I know, how dare they expect responsible behavior from those tasked with wielding power over the rest of us. Along with those that are dead set on maintaining that power.

Sooooo stupid.

And since I’m clearly dealing with an idiot - that was sarcasm.

There’s also this:

Idiot wife says they got the idea from Trump.  It’s not his fault they are idiots, but it is his fault it was brought up at all.

No shit it’s safe. When administered in a human-intended form in human-intended quantities for an actual reason beyond “Trump says it’s a cure!”

This article is just proof that only idiots take Trump’s word on anything. Your “feelings” seem to ignore that there was a direct line between what Trump said and the morons

Oh look, another snowflake butt hurt by stating facts. Idiots listened to our idiot president, took matters into their own idiot hands, and then did an idiot thing. 

There’s little definitive proof that that combination of drugs is actually effective. But thanks for making it more “political” by rushing to defend Dear