
Exactly. I didn’t hear any of this grumbling about voting for it but not liking it when the tax cut rolled around.

If Gaetz was so concerned about money he’d have insisted we cut spending before we even thought about cutting taxes. Of course everyone knows why that didn’t happen - it’s a political non-starter.

It’s too

His support among blacks is over 35% - on election night 2016 it was around 16%.”


Allow me to introduce you to Iain M. Banks....

I mean, AI is still terrifying, but there is at least one imagining of them being at least mostly benevolent.

Indeed. Palin, but magnified by the fact that she’s rich, and therefore better, smarter, and always ALWAYS right.

One more reason to advocate for a steep inheritance tax. There’s nothing worse than an insufferable heir that thinks their birth circumstances are proof of their character.

Uh, maybe it’s not exploitative because there was nothing sexual or sexualized about that scene?

All question about the quantity of male vs female nudity aside... are you trying to say that nudity, regardless of context, should automatically be considered exploitative?

Frankly, breasts could use a bit of being treated

Well, speaking as a parent in his early 40s - subtitles are a necessity for me. I’m either needing to be quiet (and headphones aren’t an option if you’re needing to be quiet AND needing to be listening for shenanigans) or they are managing to drown something out.

Hell, more often than not we end up having to turn on

Control surface makes a huge difference for me and this is EXACTLY why I invert Y. When I’m using a controller I manipulate the stick/camera as I would my head. If I want to look down I tilt my head forward.  When I look up, I’m pulling my head back. Mechanically it mimics what your body would be doing.

The sense of

To be fair, we already know from her resume that (at best) she’s utterly incapable of distinguishing decent human beings from ambulatory sacks of dysentery.   At worst (and most likely) she’s already one of them.

This is truly the worst, Trump-apologist bullshit take.

You can’t write-off the Iran deal as trash and ignore that those first sanctions are part of the reason Iran could be acting out now. Praising Trump for not starting a war (yet) is to basically ignore every other escalation or potential escalation he HAS been a

As a resident of Arizona, I’m genuinely intimidated by the sheer number of shitheels that are candidates for this list.

Given the vote was 52% Yes, 48% No, I think it was pure folly to pretend that this sort of action should be undertaken with anything less than a supermajority in favor.

There’s a reason the US requires 3/4 of the states to ratify an amendment to the Constitution - you don’t fuck around with the foundational.

This is less an argument for leaving them but for replacing them with less “heroic” memorials of the war and of slavery. If the goal is to force us to face our past then it shouldn’t be dressed up in some play-fight, lost-cause, those-were-the-good-old-days statues that basically ignore the vileness these people stood

God you’re an idiot. Normal adult humans can understand the difference between an outright lie and intending to do something and falling short. Murray’s biggest sin was not having a realistic view of what was possible given the constraints and surprises of software development. Lots of people do that in the industry,

What’s all this unnecessary whining about? “Holds its own in competitive play” means gives you a “chance” without having to grind for years.

Read the original article referenced.  Really, if you’re that much better than someone, you’ll do better.

Can’t identify blatant, malignant racism looking them in the face, get all bent-out-of-shape by a pun that references race. It’s almost like they believe having your feelings kind of fake-hurt is the worst racism can do to you.

As a white person I feel like I’m more than qualified to say.. man, fuck white people.

Also popular: not being shot to death in Wal-Mart.

So, would this very reasonable legislator care to launch a poll comparing the popularity of the AR-15 with the popularity of NOT BEING SHOT IN THE FUCKING FACE WHILE INNOCUOUSLY GOING ABOUT YOUR DAY?

I suspect the data would surprise him.

I’m not sure how anyone could be expected to differentiate that from the rest of his show.  

Anyone whose sole argument is “but identity politics” is stunted, both intellectually and emotionally. Either they feel threatened by someone else’s “identity” or they can’t set aside their own identity long enough to relate to/empathize someone else’s, and therefore it must be wrong.

What the “anti-identity-politics”

The implication from the website is that the game has Wolvie, Storm, Psylocke, Nightcrawler, Magneto, and Deadpool as the base X-team/mutant representation.

That said, the upcoming DLC is also stated to have more X-men characters.