
where’s the viable part?

Well the obvious retort is that it’s an action movie, not a 16-hour prestige television series. 

2028 - President Ron Swanson elected for first term

It’s freedom of association. If you don’t represent the values of an organization, whatever those values may be, they have the right to end the relationship.

It wouldn’t surprise me if this was something he wrote like 25 years ago or more and decided to update it for our “polarized” era. Like the idea of journalists as noble truth-tellers whose efforts can change the course of nations feels like a very pre-21st Century notion, before you could filter out anything that

I forget which stand-up comedian had this, but the fact his wife never responds to him after the first 5 minutes, and it was more believable she wasn’t talking to him at all than he was dead....

I can go with trying not to pick a side.

No need to be a jerk about it, But guess there is no statue of limitations on being a jerk.

Agreed, funny how teaching empathy over prejudice in a children’s cartoon has made us into caring individuals…

As an 8 year old, that line from Creed really sent shivers down my spine and taught me a lot so it worked for its core audience. 

I love that they had the bad guys pull a January 6th. What an amazing Pre-fuck you to the anti woke critics. 

Maybe a Vision Of The Future version of Alia? The time between Dune 1 and 2 is about a decade.

yeah I didn't take it as romantic. I took it as goodbye from someone who was quite literally mentally entwined with ren acknowledging that she was going to miss him regardless of what he had done.

Yeah, at least they weren’t siblings.

it was less creepy and awkward than 2/3 of the other kisses in star wars

honestly, unizionation. it might not sound like anything. hell, it might not always result in job protection, but a unified workforce is a scary workforce. that’s why corporations are always union busting; they don’t want workers to engage in collective action. the moment workers realize they actually hold the means

This is more than just redundancy. 

From WHAT?? That is clearly Yvonne Strahovski from acclaimed videogame Mass Effect 2.

Why did you remind me about 3? I had blissfully forgotten it.

I must say I was quite surprised how this one-like joke comment got sooo many replies. Like, people really wanted to let me know about the magical wonders that are cordless phones.