
It’s in the cloud. lol

Captain America : Civil War is an action movie that concisely put two sides against each other and explained positions. Not terribly well, considering the directors and writers claim that they don’t say one side is “right” (it’s Cap, because after Stark informs Ross about Zemo, Stark isn’t authorized to go to Siberia)


Seems like this was a MVP.
Minimal Viable Product. Cash in on the “AI” boom and update it as it receives more input data.

I insert some play on “Remember, remember the fifth of November” with P&R jokes, but I’m not versed enough in it. I just like the bloopers. 

True. Skimming the article it points out how a lot of the negative traffic was due to bots amplifying the controversy. With that being the main reason for termination, I’m betting that it has more to do with a lawyer looking for fees from a settlement rather than a case based upon legal precedent (Or a “free speech

I’m not going to take that as a diagnosis, but thank you for your thoughtful and insightful contribution to the conversation.

I was referring to “Rangers of the Republic”. I don’t know if signed a contract for it or not tbh, but it was widely rumored and her appearance as a New Republic Ranger in Mando S2 suggested it.

Chuck Wendig was fired by Marvel for his tweets:

It’s more about the controversy than the content. Disney has made clear that it intends to be inclusive, i.e. “Star Wars is for everyone”

And to be exact, they canceled a

Yes, but I think you can do that now, but you have to acknowledge the limitations and challenges. Like if part of the films discourse is about getting the information out in a way that makes it unassailable. Or the how the freedoms we give up for security lead to us pulling our own wool over our eyes.
I’ll watch it

I feel some of that. It doesn’t have to be a right/left thing, but it could be more than just the spectacle of war in the modern US. It’s like it’s missing a piece that would make it as important as it seems that it wants to be.

Or, or and this is just coming to me now, it could be how it’s being marketed. The film

which side is to blame can be left up to the interpreter. Not explaining the causes and reasons why or what led to it is poor storytelling. The wiki reveals (spoiler I guess) the President is in his 3rd term. That in and of itself could be justification. But it is shallow reasoning if there’s no exploration. Could

I find the plot of The Sixth Sense more plausible. I understand we gotta make a movie, but no AG alive would authorize this. The liability alone would be ridiculous. 

The filmmakers used tropes of the mentally ill, beats and structure of Falling Down and Network, missing the point of Fight Club and wrapped it in Gotham. It was done masterfully, performances and looks. But it has an air of try too hard to be edgy and important for me, i.e. pretentious.

If you have to go on a crusade

I can go with trying not to pick a side. As much I want films to say something definitive, not picking a side and showing that the result of intractableness is violence is saying something. But to not have a reasonable rationale explored in the film is the cowardly act.
The speculative fiction would be on a 200 mile

Maybe, just maybe, if you’re not a miserable fuck who goes to Mexico during the worst infrastructure disaster caused by 150 years of bad eco policy, you wouldn’t need protection.
God forbid you have to answer to constituents...

“Oh, and Ted Cruz, go f**k yourself.”- John Boehner

Why do I have to have dipshits with opinions like this? Why do we have to live in a world where people who want to run Disney have never seen Disney? Can we get an activist investor to dilute this guys stock or something something financial shenanigans, something something complete.

I gotta be worried about media

Womp womp.

Dick Grayson?
Barry Allen?
Gunnverse Riddler?

She first appeared in 1983. Vader is Luke’s father. Snape kills Dumbledore. Tyler Durden is Jack’s split personality. He was dead the whole time in the 6th Sense.

There is a statute of limitations on a spoiler.