


I turned the game off last night because I can’t have another night of choppy lag.

refs suck this year.


Pull the plug on twitter. and this new Kinja where I’ve gotta tell it that I really, really want to leave a reply. 

To be fair, many, many, many men have coasted on the reputations of their male family members. Equality! Where men aren’t the only scammers!

I’m all for criticism, but this is a story that starts as news and then sharply turns into a white hot purity test. This is an unprecedented situation, and politically, to reduce what happened to the Republicans when they unnecessarily impeached Clinton in 98, Dems are being cautious. You know facts because you read

gun handle, hammer handle, or axe handle? 

The Indians regularly drench their sideline guy. It’s extremely funny. He always has a look of “c’mon man.”

Agreed, like I said, I don’t think the Republicans could do it twice. I’m not sure they’re gonna do it once. 

Trump said a thing. That’s it. It’s dumb and horrible and I’m counting the days until this nightmare is over, but we know he’s a tempura-toned-temper-tantrum-made-flesh. We know, we knew, and we know it’s not gonna stop. A link to the joint presser would actually be newsworthy. 

This needs a push given what’s happen since 9/25.

He wasn’t my candidate, but I wish him well. Oddly, being the Independent he is, I think that his 2016 campaign and subsequent work has helped Democrats stop the listing to the right that we’ve had since 9/11.

Now playing

Since you gotta go like 3 links deep to see the cameras

Um could you maybe link to the press conference by Pelosi and Schiff and make this article worth a half a damn?

Pence lied about knowing that Mike Flynn had worked for Turkey. Flynn’s old lawyers (before Flynn hired the FN radical) said that Flynn informed the Transition Team of his dealings. Pence was head of the transition after they unceremoniously fired Christie. So either he’s an ineffective leader and should leave because

It’s forking devastating. 

Lower 3rd is wrong on the left. Someone using Premiere didn’t make a new title.