
Ok. Your list is shit. It’s missing hollandaise which would be more for elites. And who the fuck dips mozzarella sticks in ranch. Sounds like you live at a home for autistic people or something.

Sheetz isn’t necessarily white. There are plenty of other ethnicities that rock the 24/7 tastiness that is sheetz.

I have a person I know that is full on Alt Right White Nationalist, but is a devout practicing Jew. Never understood it. Always reminded me of Clayton Bigsby.

Ok ubisoft developer.

How do you function in real life?!??!?

Wow so useful. 4 with direct links and 66 with none. Seriously whats the point. You still have to sign in and do a ton of legwork. It literally just saves the effort of creating a list.

This is a really great point.

You’re such a piece of shit. I’m going to sacrifice a goat in the hopes that you get cancer.

The links just take you to the main page.

The links just take you to the main page.

Really?? They had modified consoles. Everyone I know that did that has very rarely bought the games and just pirated them. They are probably losing a lot less money than you think. I’d even dare say a lot of those pirates went out and bought another console.

Do you not use steam or one of the other major services? I’ve never had that problem, but then again I’m computer literate.

WTF Just saw you guys were in my town and i missed out. I’m so fucking depressed.

That you immediately resort to name calling, sarcasm, and any number of belittling argument tactics instead of trying to bridge the divide. People don’t give a fuck about policy facts when they are hurting and afraid. And even less so when your incredibly condescending.


And all those Latino’s are going to crush Trump right??

So much this. Nothing is as horrifying as seeing this coming a mile away and having to sit through weeks of bullshit. I thought I’d feel better after it happened. That was not the case at all.

It was that. Not Hillary ignoring the rust belt even though Bernie beat her in it.

Welcome to the club. Unhappy at every election.

Do you understand what arrogance means???

Who kidded themselves. I voted for her, but I saw this coming a mile away. When your in the voting booth, no one knows you’re a peice of shit and they can vote without a conscience.