
If it were broken, it would be I unbeatable. New age control Pally makes a mockery of Quest and new Miracle rogue

You would need an absolute nut draw to finish the quest on turns 3/4. You would need FireFly, Prep, and coin in your opening hand.

If you don’t feel the pressure to also get some kills of your own then you are essentially being carried.

Eh, not exactly. The pistol is mostly so you’re not totally defenseless. The “damage” you’re supposed to do is through boosting your teammates. There’s really no reason why you should be pulling out your pistol over boosting a DPS (terrible teammates/team comps notwithstanding)

There’s a major issue with that mindset. And it comes down to ‘why should I feel pressure to get kills when playing a character not focused on getting kills?’

This would be true....if it wasn’t a team game.

This is how you helped one get elected. Thank you.

how how how how how can you witness a fight between the mayor’s security team and a guy, but keep your camera on the wine glass?!?

If your takeaway from Nolan’s Antifa post is that he doesn’t think Trump is a serious problem, then I can only assume you’ve accidentally wacked yourself in the head with whatever blunt object it is that you use to bash bigots.

...once every four episodes you get to see Keri Russell’s stunt butt.

This makes United seem almost unbelievably incompetent. Why were people allowed to board if they knew not all of them were going to be on the plane? Denying someone boarding is way easier than asking someone who’s sitting down to get off.

Not so long ago, Nick Denton used to boast that Gawker Media was the last true beachhead of “independent media” in

Ugh, I still can’t get over how out of place that massive tablet looks.

Chase is my favorite player of all time. But it’s okay to love both and gush over J-Roll at the end of his career.

He was on Fox’s postseason coverage last year and it should be a seamless transition into broadcasting/commentating, hopefully they can boot off living fossil and Ditka analogue Pete Rose to make room for Jimmy.

I am one, and no, I would not.

InB4 it commercially fails and he insists it’s the fault of the market and customers instead of it being a bad game.

If you have 160 seats and you sell 160 tickets, who cares if 20 people don’t show up? You still made money off of all 160 tickets right? It’s just greed that makes them sell additional tickets. I feel like there should be a law against overbooking. It’s basically false advertising.

Funny you should say that.