
This!!! 1000x this!!!!!!

I’ve tripped every weekend for the past 3 years on LSD. My trip buddy (passed recently from an undiagnosed heart condition) typically came along for the ride. He had 3 kids. Him and his wife would take turns unless were out of town. Just don’t do an HST dose and you should be fine. My wife can’t even tell I take it

I think you mean Ransomware???? Not some nonsense word?

How the hell did you get 60 hours to completion? I beat the game with 73% completion on hardest difficulty in 29 hours. It was so disappointing.

Bring it to the US!!

That’s simply not true. I know the author read a few KB articles and ars technica and things they know everything but that’s asinine advice. Y’all can have fun decrypting your files.

The level of stupid in the article and in the comments is astounding. I’m glad all of you have other jobs than IT. Also writer, stick to writing about stuff you know about.


I had raw milk cheddar the other week. It was fucking horrifying. Pasteurize that shit.


Couldn’t agree more.

How does that make it ok?

Hit and run isnt a guerrilla tactic?? I beg to differ.

Have you ever played tennis before? It could easily be used during an approach attack or if you approached and backed off.

Dear white person, you’re making the rest of us look like dumb cunts.

True story. I had just caught all 150 on red and battled my friend and he pulled this shit and corrupted my save. I gave up playing pokemon after that. We’ve not really been friends since then either.

None of the stuff requested was publicly available information moron. But I guess someone with your limited grip on literacy reality would have trouble with that.

Everywhere retard. Unless someone is a public individual they have a reasonable expectation of privacy. It’s called invasion of privacy dumbass.

I’m not sure why you and other Repubs seem to seperate words, rhetoric and actions from their beliefs. Your support, acceptance, and acknowledgement of it makes you in league with them. Just because you claim to be a spiteful pussy doesn’t mean your not a racist asshole too. You were able to swallow the pill the rest

Build a rocket or buy a gun. Stop bitching though.