
Ghandi was an asshole in real life and an extreme racist. Look at any of his writings about africans. Fuck Ghandi.

Why has kotaku brought in so many shitty writers? I know its a loose ship now but damn. Here’s to what was once a great publication. Learn how to construct a sentence and use punctuation please. Your writing is sooooooooooooooooo painful to read.

Fuck Mark Cuban (not really). Buuuuuuuuuuut, why don’t we just get a GoFund me together? I know I’d be happy to contribute 20$. Seriously, if 5million people of the 300 million in the US just gave a dollar...

Came here to say this.

Looks like “god” was wrong again.

Yes it’s going to be that cuts me off and not the millions of Audi’s, BMW’s, disustangs, and vette’s... I wish I had someone’s life where the hardest thing in their life is someone pulls in front of them with a douchey hat. Seriously.

I didn’t realize you could get retardation late in life.

I’m right with you. I really don’t understand the hate. And then with the specs, it’s going to be pretty amazing.

Ya an omelette is too close to an abortion for them.

Let me start off with, I’m super excited they moved you to Deadspin. I was hoping that you would be.

Ya the ones in PA are basically straight up as well. Thankfully, haven’t seen one used or recently used before. Just tracks in the gravel occasionally. Our mountain’s are only hills though. Pretty cool pic though!

Because they were hacked...

that game was horrible.

Guess they are giving retards the reins now that Gawker was bought.

Yes, because in a galaxy where Tie Wings can fly, them adding stuff in a prequel is what doesn’t make sense.