
Word problem:

If you’ve ever been in a crowded Walmart and thought “I’d love to spend a solid week with these people.” Than cruises are for you. - Daniel Tosh

I don’t know, guys. My sister-in-law is a transgender woman and well-served in transgender rights (she often make conferences, etc.), and we already asked her what she’d like us to call her when we refer to her younger self (e.g. when we’re watching family videos or recounting childhood memories), and she said to

Everyone and their grandfather has made the “women drivers” joke at this point. Regardless of whether or not it’s offensive, it’s just... tired.

Exactly. If he had made a joke about Caitlyn Jenner that poked fun at her as a person instead of her transition,that would’ve been fair game.

He just wasn’t very funny, unfortunately. He’s really lost a lot of appeal in recent years. I don’t think Caitlyn Jenner jokes are off the table at all, though I think it’s in poor taste to start by saying Bruce Jenner. Still, I didn’t find him terribly offensive at any point. Just kind of sad.

I consider “this is my gender” and “the toys I like to play with are most associated with this gender” are two different issues. I wouldn’t call a child a girl just because they liked girl toys (I loved race cars as a little girl, but I’m still a woman), but sometimes that is just one of many signs that point to

But she’s not a boy in a boy’s body. She’s a girl in a boy’s body. Girl brain. Boy body.

There are a lot of places, especially in Europe, where that’s the norm. But we Americans have always found it difficult to shed our Puritan roots, and the idea of men and women emptying their bladders within earshot of each other still seems to be a long way off here. I'd love to see more places do the unisex method,

This is an important point. She doesn’t “want to be a girl” or “feel like a girl.” If you ask her she’ll say, “I am a girl.”

Have you ever MET a four year old? I have one, and she expresses herself frequently and eloquently, every chance she gets.

Your level-headed, accepting and intellectually honest approach to your daughter’s needs upsets my populistic, unsubstantiated beliefs and I’m enraged and terrified of your child’s horrifically serene and healthy upbringing! Also, the word “transgendered” elicits the same reaction so when it’s coupled with the word

My nephew’s favorite color is pink, he LOVES to have his nails painted, he occasionally wears a tutu but he has never done anything to hint that he feels he is a different gender.

I am suggesting that unisex bathrooms may be the only place that trans people feel safe using the bathroom.

Yet ‘it’s a choice’ because people love choosing lives where they’re the nonstop victims of hatred and violence.

It’s not just the legal system—there’s a local public charter school here in the Twin Cities, Nova Classical Academy, that was asked to clarify its policies regarding gender non-conforming students. Things like school uniforms, bathroom use, et cetera. As a public school, it has Title IX obligations, and some parents

What the fuck does that have to do with anything? Are you reading an article from some other deminsion where it says what a terrible thing it is that armed robbers go to jail instead of cushy housing next to A Endless Supply of Cynicism? Because the article I read said that a trans woman who committed armed robbery

Considering that (last I checked) only criminals convicted of sex crimes are forced to publically register their locations, you have no idea who you’re living next to.

Didn’t even know that was a thing until today. Makes my stomach turn.

So move...