
If you’d ever owned a clapped out piece of crap, Mr. Tushinsky, you’d know #2 exists.

Tax laws, sure. Driving laws? They work to make it so everyone has roughly the same playing ground for driving expectations, safety, and even courtesy. Only 154MPH hoon loons don’t understand that simple fact.

Hmm... caught at 8:55 PM, April 18, 2016. Accuweather shows that day as high 12c, low 3c. BBC reports London as cloudy but mostly dry, some wet in the north. Sunset was 8:03 PM in London.

More than double the speed limit at an after dark time when the roads are still busy with traffic, in an area that had possibility

Full of people or not, it’s not a crime. Simply rude, whether you’re leaving it for the next occupant or smoking out those with you.

Can you say “false analogy?” I knew you could.

Oh, dear. You’d like to race, but don’t have a track nearby to impress everyone with your prowess? My what a big penis you have.

Boo f’ing hoo.

I love adults who never aged past three.

Some of us appreciate that not every one of your ilk is a douche, despite the vehicular evidence/stereotype. :D

Because every body needs to poop.

Oooh, well done, Ms. Clinton. Who gave you the leg up to get on the pedestal you’re working so hard to stay on?

As seems too often the case in these situations, the wrong people died. The instigators live on to continue their particular brand of stupidity.

Uh... I’ve scanned back through the thread, as I didn’t recall commenting to you. Did you dismiss something from me that was inappropriate, and I’ve forgotten? If so, please accept an apology, as it’s rarely my intent to offend.

That you believe the hypothetical is imaginary is hardly unimportant in any discussion of your utter lack of empathy.

“Imaginary super-allergenic freak”

Then you should know that your experience with allergies will have clinical and practical differences from other folks’. You’re welcome.

If you truly believe you can do it, you can change and overcome your stupidity.

You’re so right. Jalops are totes known for their inability to use hyperbole in responding to ridiculous situations.

Good day - walking 100 feet, no problem. Bad day - walking 20 feet, problem.

Yeah, that’s how allergies work. Preloading the medications is totally effective.

I’m not going to be diplomatic at all, but I applaud you for the attempt.

I think you give the chef far too much credit for basic goodness.

I’m reasonably sure the women didn’t give a warm, amiable response to being told it was a shame they didn’t have a man, yet he continued beyond that by suggesting later that he join them.

He’s not even living in the same century as the rest of us in