See, stereotypes don’t mean shit. Assholes abound in every demographic. I’ll still continue to be considerate as I was raised.
It’s only victimless by pure luck. Someone easily could have been killed or seriously hurt if they crossed paths with him.
That’s my point. Doing 154 mph on a road with a 70 mph speed limit is similar. There’s no victim right now, but it’s so reckless and dangerous that it should be (and obviously is) illegal. The ‘victimless crime’ defence, while factually correct, is an astonishingly stupid one imho.
Right, because travelling on public roads at 154mph is always victimless, and never ends with people getting killed.
Driving around with a BAC of 0.2 is, in fact, a victimless crime. It is stupid, and reckless and a danger to oneself and others, but until and unless there is a victim, the crime is by definition victimless. Hypothetical victims aren’t actually victims.
Right. It’s designed to ENCOURAGE buyers.
you must be new here.
All in the line of doodie.
So I help out a charity that runs free advanced driver safety course for teens, we had an event in Pomona at the fair grounds this weekend. The first thing we talk about is any recent traffic deaths, every event we have something major in LA or Orange County to talk about. This weekend it was this. One of the parents…
Or Kinja was the issue, which has happened when I was flamed for hating domestic cars, which I don’t.
I take allergy medicine every day and it only minimizes the effect my allergies have on me. It does not eliminate them.
Right, because the people commenting here genuinely want the airplane clappers to die for their dickish ways. Genuinely.
I stopped reading your comment after 10 words.
You're correct, you're a fucking asshole.
I'd also be especially nervous about calling out a guy with lots of knives on hand.
My mom is 70 years old and has been caring for her longtime best friend who has cancer, because my mom lives in Houston where MD Anderson Cancer Center is. They went out to a local restaurant on Valentine’s Day, forgetting that it was that day because they had other stuff on their minds. Houston is more progressive…
No matter who I was with, I can’t imagine answering his question with anything other than “None of your business.” Is this a dinner out, or a group counseling session?