
I agree that the Hot Coffee case has nothing to do with this one - so why bring it up? But since you did - when you demonstrate a complete lack of understanding of something that you reference specifically to make your point, people will point out your obvious lack of understanding of that thing.

If you’re going to reference a specific case, you might want to actually read up on and understand that case first.

However long it takes for a case to get public attention.


Burn in hell, you fucking filth!

Or is it that they cannot feel for anyone but themselves?

Time to celebrate! My rum and Coke will be dedicated to the guilty verdict... Who else is in?

Jesus, that song makes my ears bleed and my head explode. Back then I was in my 20’s and it was my first real apartment. A girl who lived next to me (VERY thin walls, too) used that song for her goddamn alarm clock. Every fucking day. Really loud, at 4 afuckingm.

Aw, Linus! The thing is, I am very sincere, and I always use punctuation.


It is a prize winning shitty thing to say to someone, most certainly to a friend or a family friend. The response that Burt was looking for was, “His father is a close friend, and he and his family are in my thoughts at this difficult time.” Or some similar sentiment.

OR they are over the age of 35 and just can’t let a sentence go without proper punctuation because they weren’t raised that way. Cher excepted because she has the soul of a teenager I suppose.

My first car was named Blanche. Everyone thought it was Blanche DuBois, but it was Devereux!

Welp, I’m old.

This post will soon be updated to Martin Sheen WAS a dear friend of Burt Reynolds

Blanche really did take it in stride, and she was my favorite character on the show. A bit of a 180 from characters I was used to seeing Rue McClanahan play from stuff before that, but she portrayed her with equal amounts of sass and grace. I love that show to pieces.

The thing is Blanche didn’t get upset and handled it very well. She understand Rose was scared. Blanche was never ashamed about having sex and living her life the way she wanted.

I rarely got pissed at Rose, but she really angered me in that episode when she made that comment to Blanche. But yeah, good comparison.

Burt Reynald’s comment remind me of the Golden Girls where they thought Rose had HIV. She got mad and said Blanche deserved to get it and not her. At least Rose had the good sense to apologize to Blanche. Same with that Designing Women where Julie told that one woman if they were handing out STDs as punishment she

I’m not a fan of Charlie Sheen and I think he’s a disgusting man, but no one needs to be slutshamed.