
Yes, vastly superior to the car that hasn’t been reviewed yet.

Now you understand the Buick demographic.

Depends on what information you’re after. If you want to know how safe cars are, you’d be right. If you’re making policy, it’s a perfectly valid way to look at the stats.

I wondered if anyone had read that book...

I actually agree with your assessment of the type of people that cycle on public roads, but I don’t agree with anything else. What makes bicycling dangerous are drivers that aren’t following traffic laws. The cyclist shouldn’t have to accept that they will be hit by a drunk driver every time they get on the road

Have you ever seen what a loaded semi tractor trailer does to an ordinary passenger car? You might need to buy something bigger for your daily transportation needs.

Kinda true, even though if it were a rape it’d be called “victim blaming”.

he wasn’t paying attention, but it sure sounds like he paid for a whore

Allen said he saw the cyclist at the last second, but he was coming too fast.

I got a receipt from mine, because I had to pay the thing out of pocket. Receipts for medical expenses are a good thing, you can claim that shit on your taxes if your out of pocket adds up to a certain percentage of your gross income.

Between the Charlie Sheen HIV reveal and the recent celeb herpes lawsuit, the media (and all of these lawyers) are really showing their asses on how completely ignorant they are about basic elements of human health and disease.

Can you not see the irony in declaring simultaneously that you don’t know what is going on and that your perspective is right and mine is wrong?

You obviously have no concept of what it feels like when a parent views their parental duties as a transaction wherein you are giving your child advantages in exchange for things like affection or control over their behavior. I’m really glad for you, and I get why from your position this daughter seems like a brat.

I got torn to pieces a while back for saying I’d do him even before his beard. But he’d have to bottom and I would make sure to tell him what a filthy little Republican pig he was while riding him. Hate sex is the best!

Yeah, as Australia goes, this is nothing. These things are generally not aggressive toward humans and mostly eat carrion and vermin. I’ll take one of these over a box jelly or eastern brown snake any day.

All the real dangerous animals there and they keep talking about drop bears. D;

Right, I know you’ve said you’ve gotten tested, and that a woman has no worries about catching an STI from you. The thing is, that isn’t true. There is no test for men for HPV. So. . .you don’t know if you have it. Any woman who is with you is being brave, by your definition, since there is a chance you could give her

He also likes to toss out stars and best wishes like a beauty pageant contestant blows kisses. To conclude each comment in which he’s an asshole.

itty bity titty committee fo lyfe

“She’ll sleep with anyone”