
I take no credit for meeting men who aren't hysterical and stupid.

And also, you condescending fucktard, I know plenty about the disease. You obviously don’t. (“I can’t fathom having such a disease.”)

The white privilege thing wasn’t directed at you specifically.


I am also so curious and frustrated by the fact that we still classify herpes as an STI. Most people who have it orally (the most common type) got it not from sex - but yet we still classify it as an STI. So if someone I’m kissing/fucking gives me a cold, I should say that the common cold is an STI? AND doctors so

Poor partner or life choices? Many people can have and transmit it without ever showing symptoms or in fact even being aware of its presence. Many others have it and conceal it from their partners from fear or shame (although this is not OK). But what’s also not OK is calling out someone’s “choices” for contracting

Lots of people do not present (get sores). If you do a minimal google search and educate yourself, you’d realize that a) the majority of people who have it don’t know it and b) about 85%+ of the population of the world has one form or the other, usually given to them while still a child (sharing glasses, getting

This is really good, thank you. As somebody who grew up in the 80s and 90s, I see ads for Truvada and people talking about not wearing condoms, and it makes my hair catch on fire. It’s like, WUT? You can’t do that! It was so ingrained in us to prevent prevent, but it’s worrisome that prevention isn’t so emphasized now

The majority of the left doesn’t want guns banned outright, just strict controls put on who can get their hands on them.

That being said, if it were up to me the only guns that could be sold would be 5-chamber revolvers, bolt-action hunting rifles and shotguns.

In fairness they tried to arrest Bruce but he was nowhere to be found.

As they said in drivers ed. Driving is a privilege, not a right. Unfortunately the second amendment has been interpreted as gun ownership is a right. Our priorities as a country are so fucked up.

If he did not have a gun, i.e if we lived in a country where guns were hard to come by, Julie would likely be alive. Yeah, maybe he would have started waving a knife or his fists around, but chances are she would not be DEAD. Dead, because any old asshole can buy a gun, anytime, anyplace. Because other assholes think

You could build an entire house out of all that straw.

“Tell us again how guns aren’t the problem, and how Americans should have every right to bring a weapon into a fucking restaurant. Say that to us one more fucking time.”

I’m leaning toward I don’t fucking care, as long as he’s put away for life.

I want to get it out there that as a former member of the NRA, as somebody who has had a carry permit, and as the owner of several serious guns, I define both “civilization” and “polite society” as “Places where people don’t have to go armed and be ready to kill at a moments notice.”

As a native-born American, I honestly have no idea why this question is offensive. I also don’t know why it was asked. Sooooooo.

Can someone explain the offensive part for a foreigner? Why is Kool Aid a Black stereotype ? The only thing I know is the expression “drink the Kool aid”, so i just know it’s a disgusting thing...

Alright, first off. Write to your audience. Write to be understood. If you appear like a pompous ass law student then, well, you need to work on your writing, even in a forum like this.

How about carrying those facts through to their reasonable conclusion? They found SCANT soot in his trachea, and he was still in a “pugilistic stance.” So, the conclusion is that he died BEFORE the car was engulfed in fire, very close to the time of the impact.