
This one. It’s everything I wanted it to be.

Last Night on The Walking Dead

I don’t have a problem with a Muslim woman wearing a hijab to express her religious faith. I have a problem with a Muslim anyone objecting to working with someone based on their sexual orientation as an expression of their faith, because that is not the true meaning of faith. Religion is supposed to be about love.

Personally, I don’t think we give most children enough credit when it comes to understanding these issues. I wouldn’t suggest giving an in-depth technical lesson on STDs and AIDs and homophobia to a five year old, but kids aged 9/10 and up can certainly understand these concepts-though whether they’re capable of

Well, he isn’t teaching English, so I’ll give it a pass. I did still have to stop at those words, because they hurt =(

Many people lack basic logic. Conflation of “people who engage in risk activities” and “all people” has long been far too common. It’s clear you understand the difference, but please don’t assume that those around are as enlightened.

“My old 335i ate through 6 high pressure fuel pumps. I could have jumped in on a class action and get some money. Instead I was content with the extended warranty and free roadside for the next 6 years I was offered.”

The cars are still 100% functional. They weren’t defrauded. They were sold a vehicle that worst case now may not get the same mpg it use to have.

Sean, you welcomed me when I had a stupid, albeit honest, question wrt why motocross had visors. Hell, the entire lanesplitter community did. This is why it pleases me to see SOMEone, anyone, call bs on you two wheeled loons (meant in respect; I am a solid four wheels dude, but have many two wheeled brethren). You,

This is exactly what I explained to my wife when some dick on a Harley tailgated me (while I’m stuck behind traffic) with his (3) high beams on blasting his stereo behind me for about five f’ing miles tonight. Of course he didn’t have a helmet on, and of course he parked right behind every damn car at stoplights

It sucks that idiots have to ruin it for everyone, no matter what group you are in. Even then you could still be judged by others because of THEIR idiocy.

And I would expand your list:

Yes and no. It’s sort of the beauty of the site. That we’re allowed to disagree.

That’s not at all what I said. We shouldn’t use his HIV status as a sign of what a asshole trainwreck he was and, in the process, portray HIV as a sign that someone is an asshole trainwreck.

so i remember learning about HIV for the first time when I was like 9, and the “you can’t get it swapping personal liquids” thing was pretty much in the first three sentences. i realize this 9-year-old child’s hot take is now a LITTLE off, but i remember thinking, like, “then what the fuck is the big deal?!” (i didn’t

Because that’s the kind of fear-mongering lunacy that should be left in the past. Being in the same room as someone with HIV does not put you at any risk unless you are fucking them without a condom or sharing needles with them and they haven’t been taking their meds.

I was also thinking of how in the 1990s, I had to do a project for religion class (Catholic school) about keeping your faith in trying circumstances. A friend’s mom hooked us up with her friend who was HIV positive. It was 1993, I was 16. We did our research (and this was before google), went to his house, sat on his

Your dad rocks my socks.

When I was little, a friend of my parents came to stay with us at our apartment. He’s very well-known in the art world, so his presence didn’t go unnoticed. He’s also HIV positive, which is less well-known. In any event, someone in the building was aware of his health status and apparently went all pearl-clutching