
Been there done that myself, no worries.

Learn something new every day!

Serodiscordant anal sex isn’t all thaaat much less risky for an uninfected penetrating partner as it is for an uninfected receptive partner. It’s about 20% as likely to result in transmission.

Yeah. Sometimes I forget that a lot of America is....AMurrica.

Hey, man, you do you, right? :) BUT—I think maybe it needs to be pointed out—in this particular case, this woman wasn’t arrested for just saying ‘ugh, I hate Islam, it’s evil’ but rather, she announced that “muslins [sic]” aren’t welcome in her business. That sort of discrimination is illegal in England, so it was


Yes, this is very much dependent on where you live. Granted I only spent months in the UK rather than years, but I didn't see anything like what we have where I live now. Other than from that one relative. I am in the remainders of blue BC. Sigh.

I identify lesbian. Leave me the fuck out of your bigotry.

No, they really don’t. I’ve never in my life met a trans person who said that anyone had an obligation to fuck them. If you don’t want to, you don’t have to. All they’re asking for is respect and dignity.

Incitement to racial hatred is a crime in the UK. Also denying someone a service because of their race, religion or sexuality, spectacularly illegal. This stupid asshole broke the law and advertised it. I do not feel sorry for her. We have these laws to prevent situations like, if I’m correct, you have in some states

You do realize that the US and the UK have different laws?

I’m not aware of the specific details of Major’s arrest, but it’s fairly unlikely that she was handcuffed and bundled off by burly jack-booted goons. She was probably asked to go to her local police station so she could be informed of the charges against her, have her paperwork processed, and then released on her own

As I stated elsewhere, if the lack of contribution was this widower’s issue, then he wouldn’t have worded his rejection specifically by referring to Jenner as “Bruce” and “this man.” His problem is that they gave it to a transgender person, not with Jenner’s current status as a reality star.

Check with your company’s HR department. Policies vary, but where I work that would be considered harassment. Even if your company doesn’t include gender identity in their policies specifically, they might want to have a talk with this person and explain to them that whatever their personal feelings on trans women,

Enforcing reasonable limits on free speech is what civilised societies do, both in the US and the UK. You can absolutely dispute where nations choose to draw those legal lines, but arguing that any and all restraints on expression are fascist is not practical, helpful or accurate.

While it is true that Caitlyn Jenner transitioned with privileges that far too few trans* enjoy, I think responses like Mr. Smith’s make it pretty clear that transitioning is still an act of bravery.

Caitlyn Jenner is a women. Referring to her as a man is insulting at best. But she is not a nice person and besides coming out, which if she wanted to live her true authentic life she had to do - so that was for herself, what has she really done for the community?

It can both be true that Caitlyn Jenner is not deserving of the Woman of the Year, and that this guy is an asshole for calling her a man.

Whatever, lady.