
Do you ever just read stuff like this and think “we as a species really deserve to be hit by a meteor”?

I think it’s just a hangover from the idea that you need to bleed to feel like a ‘real woman’ and to help women make sure that they don’t forget to start a new packet at the right time. So if you take a pill everyday, you’re golden for the next packet. If you take it for 21 days you then have to remember when to start

I think you missed the point.

This is my worst nightmare, full stop. People may think I’m paranoid for insisting on condoms while on BC, but until I get my tubes tied, I’m not taking any chances. A former gynecologist said I was “like Fort Knox down there,” and I have to say that’s one of the nicest compliments anyone’s ever given me lol

My take on this is that people just love to sue when they become inconvenienced/don’t want to take responsibility for their own actions. I had the same thought as AliceInWunderland, above, that in my experience, the placebo pills are usually a different color. When coupled with what you mentioned re: margin of error

I kind of hate that I’m about to be this person, but I’m an accountant, so I’m still about to be this person. All tips are taxable regardless of the form of delivery. It can be cash, credit, in the form of a sweet designer purse, whatever, it’s taxable income. The only difference between tipping in cash vs credit from

I also think the “tipping optional” thing doesn’t eliminate some of the issues with tipping culture which is servers prejudging customers and treating them based on how much of a tip they are likely to get and servers getting shafted due to getting bad shifts or bad sections. Or the inequity of front of the house pay

It’s a living wage in some low-cost-of-living areas. It isn’t a living wage everywhere else. Part of the problem with eliminating tipping wholesale is that in most areas, you really can’t live on minimum wage alone. So what we have is two broken systems, creating a double whammy for servers.

Customers who want to tip, will find a way. This is step in the right direction.

This is excellent news. Progress is progress and while I understand your concerns, I think the good outweighs the bad in this case. Whether or not there are tip lines are receipts you can always tip in cash and the type of people who will tip extra will know servers prefer to be tipped in cash. This way it is more

“She said that the hotel staff were suspicious of her and her friend from the moment they arrived, casting “disgusted” glances their way and whispering about them as if they weren’t there.”

Super fucked up. I’m really happy that nothing worse happened to her, considering that trans women of color have such high murder stats.

Remember kids: Black Lives Matter is a bunch of whiners who are looking for reasons to be offended. The real oppression is a lack of Christmas iconography on your coffee cups.

I don’t know. They may have a point. Those cups don’t look anything like the ones Jesus drank his Gingerbread Lattes out of.

She should have lined a litter box with it. That would be a real “Fuck You”.

I’m 5’2” and 110lbs and I could tank 7 margaritas in 4 hours and still write a term paper. The server was not out of line. There is, however, absolutely no excuse for drunk driving. Ever. I only see 2 people at fault here and none of them are the server.


there’s a huge gap between “too impaired to drive safely” and “too drunk to live safely”.

Servers can technically be considered liable for this, even if they had no way to know the customer was going to drive home rather than take a cab, and even if they were pressured by the restaurant into overserving them. It’s a stupid law, which gives it something in common with virtually all laws pertaining to the