
Oh and just a head’s up, since you seem so obsessed with her comment history, if you had gone another page or two back you would’ve seen that she’s ID’d herself as black multiple times here. So, have fun being a jerk, I guess?

That is literally what you said. I get that you don’t like the commentor and that you think they’re lying, but in your own words you wrote “if you are what you say you are”. How many other ways are there to read that? I’m not defending them, I’m taking exception to how you decided to respond to their assertion that

Every dine and dasher I ever personally saw was a young white person. Every one. Just saying.

My aunt proposed to my uncle on the beach, back in the 80s when that was a bit scandalous :)

I asked my boyfriend to marry me! And he said yes! Wahoo! He wasn’t emasculated. In fact, he said that the fact that I asked him was just an illustration of all my qualities that he loves the most. I got to the point where I just knew I wanted to get married and waiting around seemed profoundly un-feminist. When I

The whole prison system is cause for concern. It’s just another Corporate Welfare scheme - making mega money for big business and screwing over citizens. We should demand the focus be to rehabilitate, especially for lesser crimes, and that our justice system be run to benefit society not as a business. That is in all

She made it clear she did have control - by refusing to sentence him to prison because she did not want him to be raped.

Everything about this story makes me sad.

I teach teenagers, too, and as annoying as they can be, I’ve never had one violate a minor classroom rule and felt that they needed to be forcibly removed from the classroom.

Hope this guy gets the shit beaten out of him by like 3 or 4 people. That on top of his current punishment would be about right.

My supervisor at work is a rabid right-winger who loves guns, motorcycles, and Alex Jones, and who uses words like “monkey” when describing the president. I heard him today going off on this same video, and as I braced myself for another gross opinion, I realized he was actually bitching about the cop and how

I’v taught for almost 20 years and I’ve never had a kid take a swing. You know why? I learned how to de-escalate a situation and let the kid save face. I learned when to not push kids on issues. I’ve learned when to let small infractions slide. I learned these things because I can never use force. It’s a shame police

“If she had not disrupted that school,” he said, “disrupted that class, we would not be standing here today.”

It was an attempt to clarify.

After my baby cousin died of AIDS, her mother came to our house to die. In the days approaching her death, my after-school routine involved emptying her puke-bucket and turning her over so she didn’t get bedsores.

True, but it’ll take a lot of contradictory evidence to overturn Newtonian mechanics (as one example).

The dark side of the internet has been the ever greater profusion of conspiracy theories, and conspiracy theories are a real threat to democracy.

Let’s stop using the word “Truther” to describe people who only spread bullshit lies and misinformation.

I have experienced this first-hand and it has ruined my life. When I was an isolated gay 17yo, a family member became a hardcore denialist thanks to a new boyfriend and spent the next 8 years inundating me with propaganda about it until I believed it. As an introverted loner I didn’t really have any close gay friends