
In the case of applying unnecessary snark in an attempt to be “edgy” and/or “cool”, the defendant LeftHook pleads guilty, your honor. Said inference was not intended, it was more of a supportive remark if anything.

Some Australian put a truck bed on a Pontiac G8.

I guess we’ll see. Still reeks of bullshit to me.

How do you know an attorney is lying? His/her lips are moving...

Driver deserves aggravated assault and reckless endangerment. Motorcycle riders deserves reckless endangerment (on account of his poor passenger) and crossing DYL ticket. Both should never drive again. Driving is for people who don’t intentionally endanger others.

First, asshole move on the car. but the crash could have been avoided. ALL RIDERS really should study this and understand all the huge mistakes made by this rookie newbie motorcycle rider.

common courtesy dictates that when there’s traffic behind you, you match the number on the sign or you pull over.

Kites are the worst. Sometimes I wish I could just clip all their strings.

Oh I know it does, especially if you really force in on, or leave it on for a long time.

If you just lightly tack it on and remove it within a few hours it’s not leaving anything worth worrying about, a gentle clean would remove it.

I’d be slightly pissed if I found my car like this in the morning, but, I’d just say

Another question to ask.. Those saying doing this to a strangers car is fine and no harm is done... Why does he do this at night? Would he do it in front of a cop at 2 in the morning? Better yet, in front of the owners in broad daylight? Highly doubt it.. There’s a reason he does this at night...

I see at least a really nice Audi and a nice BMW in those pics, and who knows what other cars he has done this to. I’ve also had to get masking tape off a car after it was “rained” on by a sprinkler and then baked in the sun for a day. It’s not easy and it does leave behind a shitload of residue. So in short, this

I served for 5 years. As a pretty white woman, I was fairly high up on the privilege ladder, as far as tips go, so if anyone would “lose” in this scenario, it would be someone like me. And I wholeheartedly support it - and did even when I was serving - because the patent unfairness of our tipping system is SO OBVIOUS

It’s sad we have to keep having this conversation. Just don’t do it. Ever. “But it’s not hurting ...” No. “It’s just harmless ...” No. “Quit being such a stuck up ...” NO. I don’t care if you’re using a feather or a hammer, I’m going to have the same reaction. It’s not yours - don’t fuck with it.

Came here to say this. There’s no way this is safe to drive on the highway to work. It would take 5-10 minutes peel off, stack, and take to a trash can /dumpster/garage. I (and I’d wager most people) generally don’t get to work 5-10 minutes early, so this would make me late.

Cute, but yeah. Don’t touch my car.

If you alter a person’s property without their consent how isn’t it vandalism?

This is the correct response. If I have to spend all afternoon getting adhesive off my car I’m going to beat someone.

Just because he calls it “art” doesn’t mean that it actually is.

Damn man, at least use blue tape when lightly vandalizing someone’s ride that they now have to spend time un-cardboarding.