
It is a battery plant, battery was committed.

I wrote this to another poster but my issue is less with their smoking environment (I just won’t go there - plus food tastes shittier when you’re around a lot of smoke) but that they seem to be implying that smoking bans are totalitarian.

Yeah, their tipping policy read like “we know tipping in this country blows and are going to take advantage of the situation fully instead of taking a stand like we believe everyone should but we won’t because it sets a bad precedent or something - but you’d better tip and tip well, lest ye be banned”. While it is a

You are very, very determined to get me to take up a more antagonistic argument so you’ll have something to fight against, aren’t you? Too bad. Re-read that second paragraph until it sinks in. Fulfill your outrage complex somewhere else.

Yeah, see, the thing is, they already sort of got killed for it. So I’d say that account’s settled. And now I’m struggling to see how “HA HA you deserved it, we’re better than you!” is adding anything to the situation, or generally improving the world at all.

From the CDC: 41% of high schoolers in the US are sexually active. There are about 270,000 births to teenage mothers every year (the actual pregnancy number is of course higher). For context, apply that 41% to the roughly 14,000,000 high school students in the country.

“the guy had a kid at 16, this indicates a pattern of reckless and unplanned behaviour when paired with the two instances of downing a “cocktail” of drugs, speeding through a local area and driving while impaired.”

I had a customer repeatedly order Yuenglings with grenadine. And a straw. I’m not going to even pretend I wasn’t judging him.

So you read the first line, where I said “In no way was I defending the behavior,” and now you’re asking me if I’d be defending the behavior if it was even worse than it was? Is that where we are? I’m just checking.

To this thread from i-c in general and to HK,

Sure. In no way was I defending the behavior—but I am saying that the behavior doesn’t justify a “fuck ‘em” response. He’s entitled to his opinion, of course, but I think it’s rather dickish.

If you put pineapple and a vegetable on a pizza with a meat, you have the whole food pyramid on a slice. It’s the perfect food.

Don’t be a dick.

I worked with a girl in Yosemite who’s job back in New Orleans was to berate customers at the “complaint desk” of a restaurant there.

The finest microwaves.

This is absolutely the correct reaction.

I read every one of these - and there were definitely some gems - but I just flat-out can’t get over putting jelly on pizza, let alone asking for it like it’s not completely insane.

True, but BOH rarely have to deal with the monogrammed thermos types face to face. Tips are, after all, supposed to be for service.

considering this man carries an infectious virus that is known to kill people in large numbers.

Tastes and smells.