
Just because a business is privately owned does not mean it is a good thing for the neighborhood. If the neighborhood is overrun by pour over coffee and artisinal toast joints, to the extent that long-time residents are forced out so that rents can be raised, that is definitely not a good thing.

You’re never going to stop people or businesses from moving into desirable neighborhoods. The only way to mitigate gentrification is to build more housing. Build market-rate units so the supply can keep up with demand, and build more subsidized units so those with low incomes don’t have to wait for the market to

Last car I purchased I told them if they were going to put their brand on it they were going to pay me to advertise. They did not put their brand on it.

“I don’t think dignity is guaranteed in the Constitution. I think dignity is something that you find within yourself,” Davis said. “I feel really sad that … someone could be so unhappy with themselves as a person that they did not feel dignified as a human being until they got a piece of paper. I mean, there’s just

no one is assuming you’re a homophobe because of your sexual preferace.... your words are all the evidence of that we need. Also, going into a safe space for gay people and engaging in straight pda is not a benign or chill action. Queer spaces are often the only places patrons can go to feel free, recognized, and at

In the city I live in, there are gay bars, some of which I’ve been to with friends. I don’t complain that they call it a “gay bar”.

a) It wasn’t really clear if you were a het man until you said it, so whatever.

Be sure and let us know when you do get an informed and rational viewpoint.

I wouldn’t throw an alcoholic beverage on you for engaging in a hetero make-out session in a gay bar — because I’m cheap and drinks cost money, but mockery is free so I probably would point and laugh at you for being the sort of idiot who can’t let gay people have just one small fucking space where heterosexuality

Your last paragraph is irrelevant, since I don’t care what your orientation or gender is, though I suppose I should point out it seems to be the kind of whining I thought you were against. Don’t get me wrong, if people were actually treating you unfairly because you were straight, I think it would be fine for you to

You appear to lack reading comprehension skills.

As a queer Southern lady who stayed in the closet for years because of relatives like your sister-in-law, thank you for this.

Just to be clear, by ‘Devil’s Advocate’ you really mean ‘Homophobe Apologist’, right?

same - knowing how to scan for pleibs/”foodies”/and dickholes is key. I immediately stop reading at: “the server could have smiled”

80% of the work force would be under economic coercion then. I very much dislike my job but I do it because I need to pay my bills and I haven’t found a job that both pays the bills and is something I enjoy.

So I’ve been made to understand.

Everyone who works sells their body. That’s what work is.

Unfortunately, the way this case is being handled makes it look like sex trafficking is a workers are legitimate business human beings.


My friend’s fiancé was once like ‘Hohoho, if you rape a prostitute, is it rape or shoplifting, hohoho’ and I practically shouted ‘It’s rape, sex with someone who does not or cannot consent is rape, please stop talking immediately’.

As a person who was just pronounced cancer-free 2 days ago (yay!), FUCKING THIS.