
Not to mention that if they were really coerced, her son would have had to be part of it as well. The fact that he was allowed to abstain from issuing permits shows they were not coerced.

Sooooooo...she’s complaining the clerks were “coerced” into following the law because if they didn’t, they might go to jail...

I rarely say this about people. But she deserves all the bad karma that is heading her way right now. That video was so mean and vicious, it actually made me cry. I have Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome. And like so many women with the disease, I struggle with my weight. It’s like I woke up in a different body. I went from

One time I was in my A8 and I saw this guy all dressed up in a suit with sunglasses in his A4 or A6 and I was thinking “that guy looks like such a tool in his lame, entry level Audi”. Then I realized it wasn’t an A4 and it was my reflection in a window.

And you know he’s totally read a ton of National Geographics.

“it was most definitely her job to de-escalate.”

“Yeah palpate that potentially cancerous lump you naughty bitch!”

That book is simply phenomenal. I don’t even care that this lemon-sucking troglodyte is having a hissy fit about it. I’m just delighted to hear that it’s being taught in schools. It’s exactly what you want kids to be exposed to in formative years: ferocious, unflinching, compassionate and demanding of whip-smart

God, this makes me sad for a whole number of reasons. Mostly the insistence of somehow equating scientific, accurate terms with sex or or sexiness sexuality.

Please point to the exact moment in the video where you see this happen. The cyclist rode deliberately into the stationary car. The cyclist was going against traffic and deliberately provoked the situation, then tried to make it appear worse than it was to rally the others.

Actually, in the grandest of ironies, it was the SFPD bike patrol that arrested him.

It’s not her job to de-escalate, I’m sure she just wanted to leave. She wasn’t antagonizing him. She was just sitting in her car. The biker blocked her lane and (from my viewing) intentionally caused an uneccessary confrontation. HE was the aggressor. He stopped his bike directly in her lane and didn’t move. She sat

Critical Massholes.

It’s the eye of the martyr
It’s the thrill of the Right
Rising up to the challenge of our (Supreme Court) trial
And the last known dissenter
Thinks Jesus supports her plight
And she’s watching us all with the eyeeeeeeeeeee ... of the martyr

Everything this judge has done so far has been pretty clever really.

Hyundai Excel Pony.

Do we really want to flatter this douchebag by comparing him to James Bond?

. It feels like they’re trying to make this little cable-rig seem terrifying and deathly serious, like it was a cable that launched heroin darts at children in playgrounds.