
Sometimes you just have to go "Is it me, or is it them? Oh, okay, it's them." And then get on with your day.

My mistake, I misspoke - it is more accurate to say that serial rapists are likely to use alcohol consumption as an excuse to rape someone. They are not discombobulated and incapable of judging consent, they believe that they are behaving in an acceptable way for a drunk person, and would not choose to behave

When I groped someone in retaliation, I didn't do it softly. Why should I? He was not. Sorrynotsorry balls are more sensitive than boobs....

You're old fashioned. I can put a stop to someone and don't need a big, strong male to come to my rescue.

"Was your expectation that your boyfriend should kick his ass for you?"

That was a face badly in need of a fist.

Yeah but if women didn't get drunk they wouldn't get raped.

"Good evening! My name is Big Gay John, I'll be your gay waiter tonight. Can I get you started with some drinks or appetizers?"

I used to work with a kid who had a ridiculously effeminate voice, and I lost count of the number of times some dude-bro tried to convert him back to the "right side" in the check-out line at Old Navy. I remember one becoming physically intimidating, all because he sounded "gay" when he handed over the receipt.


How'd they know?


Oh absolutely it didn't. I pointed this out. Although he understood the definition of that word, he did not think what he was doing was harassment or hell even annoying.

I drove once from Columbus to Ann Arbor via US 23 for a football game. It was a noon kickoff, so I left in the wee hours of the morning. At one point, my GPS had me stay on "old" 23 when I should have taken another route to get to I-75 and re-join 23 near Toledo. I got stuck on a 2 lane stretch of road, behind a

and handguns, and speech, and driving, and patience...

Excellent point. But let me counter with, the bikers started it. If you try attacking somebody's family better be prepared to be Grand Theft Auto'ed as you eloquently put it. What purpose did Meis have out there in front of the vehicle again? Did he have a license? Was his motorcycle legal? Let me guess, he was

sure im not denying there was a potential for a threatening situation. and like i said i couldnt se any touching or vandalisation of the car. now BLKMGK showed me where to look and i saw the infraction and i have changed my mind it was justified

lollercoaster, I read your drivel, you are still an idiot.

"The loon" was the guy NOT being a douchebro breaking the law. He doesn't have to accommodate your stupid kiddy games, you're the one breaking the law.

You're trolling right? Please tell me you're screwing with us. Definitely trolling. Like, what else explains it? You rationalize and sanitize the activity by these criminal bikers. You openly admit to street racing/obstruction/hooliganism/criminal behaviour. You then proceed to defend it weakly, and repeatedly.

I never said he had the right to hit you or that you deserved it. The problem I see is that you're the asshole that caused the situation in the first place and somehow you expect sympathy. Don't piss and moan when you get out assholed by somebody. The guy shouldn't have to yell, you shouldn't be blocking the god damn

"I was still into street racing and we had locked down a rural road a car was fed up with waiting and tried to drive around the cars so me and a couple of other guys stood in the way as we where just about to start the first race"