
That's interesting. When I was about the same age, I was walking through the mall with my mom and I guess some older guys were leering at me. She stopped and went back and ripped into them. I remember her face being so red and angry.

I know you think you're being extremely clear with your partner by saying, "Oh, you know, the men make comments." But you're not. Maybe he doesn't get it, you're right. Maybe you should explain it to him.

It's a troll. Toss him this.

Assertive it is. I guess people driving faster than normal just got used to being called worst, so agressive is no longer taken as offensive as reckless for instance and sort of got accepted as the same as assertive. Good chat :)

The Clubman isn't the sexiest MINI, but it's secretly the best.

Jezebel - she was not raped. Please don't tag 'rape'. To every one else: not all sexual assaults are rape. And not everyone has to fall into a downward depressed spiral like they do on tv. Maybe if you had been sexually assaulted; you would know that you can still be 'normal' after but it effects on you will (most

Please untag this as rape. That is an escalation of what happened and is not helpful to her case. She would prefer that this be discussed only as assault and harassment. No rape occurred and when it is proliferated that that's what it was, it weakens her case by making it look like she said that, when she has not.

One of the search tags on this story is "rape." Megan wasn't raped, and she wants to be clear about the facts. Callie, if you'd like to expand on this story, perhaps you could contact Megan directly to get info directly from her.

Hey friends! I actually know the victim, and I would like to reiterate a million times over that she was not raped by the employee. She was sexually assaulted. We have the right to be outraged over her treatment, we do not have the right to distort the facts of her case.

hey jez and commenters—Megan wasn't raped. please please pleeeease stop saying that she was (and jez, please take the rape tag off this post). she was assaulted, but those aren't the same thing, and it doesn't help her on a personal or political level that people are misinterpreting that. THANK YOU!

hey jez and commenters—Megan wasn't raped. please please pleeeease stop saying that she was (and jez, please take the rape tag off this post). she was assaulted, but those aren't the same thing, and it doesn't help her on a personal or political level that people are misinterpreting that. THANK YOU!

Regardless of how shameful this is in general, per Megan Hunt's Twitter request, could Jezebel explain why it didn't actually contact Hunt regarding this piece? As she states "I also wasn't raped — not all sexual assualt is rape. It would help me if you changed the tags on your post." Jezebel, I respect you, but I'm

"The employee should be fired"

If you can't figure out how to get out of that parking spot in 2 or (3 maximum) moves then public transportation is for you.

Ummm we voted for who's in power. So now he has actual power and can you know, PASS LEGISLATION. I think that's democracy enough. Vote for 1 person to control the remote and have a finite term.

I daily drive my S2000 and I actually like that vtec doesn't even kick in (yo) 'till ~5500 rpm. 90% of the time I keep it below this line and it drives essentially like your average grocery getter...the other 10% of the time is when I need to smile.

...they kinda have a point...I bet if you ask someone off the street what they think about the government shut down, they'll say, "the governments shut down?" Truth is people don't know what's going in their country, yet a news station is worrying about a dog that got just reminds me of the situation where

Sorry ;)

Arch Duke, what you've just said is one of the most insanely idiotic things I have ever heard. At no point in your rambling, incoherent response were you even close to anything that could be considered a rational thought. Everyone in this room is now dumber for having listened to it. I award you no points, and may God