
I am sort of surprised that any of us were able to turn gay with stuff like this on the boob tube.

Or you can not watch it. I got all the info I needed through Michael's text. As Anima points in the comment below, it's a broad topic but you can, for yourself, decide not to watch, plain and simple.

Oh, so children starving because welfare and food stamps have been reduced to nothing doesn't count because they're not directly hurting them? Or destroying people's life savings and retirements? Child hunger is becoming an increasingly serious problem in this country, as the wealth distribution is returning to

What I've learned:

It's hot if you ask me.

Oh, I don't think the attack was justified at all. The awesome thing about this country is that in general we can trust the rule of law, because vigilante "justice" is so rarely just. Either way, another commenter has said that you can clearly see some of the bikers banging on his car after the accident, and I can

Can't exactly see what is behind him, perhaps he has bikers tailgating him at such ridiculously small distances as Mr. Cruz did when he cut him off. Hitting his brakes then would have put bikes into the rear of the Rover and given the attitude of the group we would have the same chase and thuggishness ensue.

Obviously I'm joking around, I know German cars tend to exhale brake dust, my brother has a Jetta. My Grand Am on the other hand, takes a year to even build a noticeable film, and gets surprisingly little brake fade from "enthusiastic" driving.

Your argument is invalid because I have a 4WD manual :-)

Sick? Yes.

Trust me, I'm not sure if I should feel dumb, or vindicated. I feel a little bit of both.

This entire thread gives me seizures.

Okay, making the broad generalization I did was bad. I just used my own experience with my manual and the automatics I've had to make a comment. Also, I would totally use my parking brake on a hill. I just live in a very flat place.

My old man always told me, "Brake cable is cheap, body work is expensive."

As someone who has generally lived in hilly, if not mountainous, areas, it's bizarre for me to think that some people are not in habit of setting the parking brake when the park. There's simply no reason not to have this habit.

Hell, yes! Because we have manners! Good riding manners. That's how I got to be an Old riding a Old Woman, too. I use my signals, stay back a courteous distance and keep the head moving. Dad started me off on a bike to teach me: A. Gears, clutch and the mechanics of downshifting. B. Brakes and how to use

Please stop with this "oh if only he had a gun" nonsense. A gun is much less dangerous than the Range Rover he was already in. Firing a gun while inside a car is a good way to deafen yourself, your wife and your infant child. Firing a gun with any accuracy while driving at speed is impossible. Firing a gun

Of course they all crashed ! They're driving on the wrong side of the road !!!

And here, in the English countryside, we see a rare and magnificent sight. The mass mating of the British hatchbacks. Hatchbacks from old to new gather once every couple of years under the fog to mate. They search for their partners in the fog and then proceed to force their way towards them, a risky but worthy

Serious nerd troll is serious.