
“It’s entirely reasonable for short-term lending.” We’ll have to disagree on that.

Oh, fuck off, already, useless research fiends. It’s called sentence structure, and assists the reader in understanding the entirety of the message.

A very quick look at Burt’s past shows similar uncontrolled behaviour.

I assumed BR was referring to Charlie’s young and wildest years... this has been going on for a rather long time.

Drat. Didn’t notice that final ‘e.’

Capitalism. America.

500% APR is oppressive, no matter the term.

Charlie Sheen’s behaviour allegedly includes: drug abuse, spousal/partner abuse, alcoholism, and multiple sex partners.

Thank you. Much more eloquently put than my, “fuck you Burt, you fucking hypocrit.”

Other options? Sure. Better? Your bias is showing.

Conform to the rules of the road. FTFY.

And so, where would you put the bicycles again? Oh, you’re advocating making it impossible to use them as a travel device, since off-road trails and closed-circuits are recreation only.

As a member of the human race, shouldn’t you stick to silence when you’ve nothing to contribute?

I wondered if perhaps it was evening and the cyclist didn’t have lights? Trying to see him at all would have been a shot in the dark...

We’d have to argue about which are worse. BMW’s are far more common than cyclists (at least here in Vancouver.)

Exactly how vigilant is not looking at all? And what kind of penalty do you think should accrue to someone who’s not simply careless, but absolutely derelect of duty in every conceivable manner?

“If you’re on a bicycle on a public road, you deserve whatever you get coming to you.”

The only take-away from this is that everyone around you should drive much larger vehicles than you yourself drive.

Ah. I wish I could agree with you, even if he is a full-on jerk. Revenge can be done so much more effectively than via money.

As a US visitor, you could be here for six months less a day without any difficulties. After that, our immigration folk get a mite picky.

I’m guessing that as a medical procedure it would be tax deductible, but not for him unless you were living together that year. (This supposition does not in any way imply he isn’t a full-on jerk.)